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TCO abbr.stresses
gen. Тенгизшевройл (pmp2014)
Gruzovik стреляющий (Tactical Control Officer)
automat. термовыключатель (ssn); термический выключатель (ssn)
avia. эксплуатант из третьих стран (third country operator – эксплуатант ВС страны, не состоящей в ЕС, осуществляющий коммерческие перевозки в страны ЕС. Hinter_Face)
comp., MS совокупная стоимость владения (Specifically, the cost of owning, operating, and maintaining a single PC; more generally, the cost to businesses and organizations of setting up and maintaining complex and far-reaching networked computer systems. Total cost of ownership includes the up-front costs of hardware and software added to later costs of installation, personnel training, technical support, upgrades, and repairs. Industry initiatives designed to lower the total cost of ownership include centralized network management and administration, as well as hardware solutions in the form of network-based computers with or without local storage and expansion capability)
data.prot. офис коммерциализации технологий (sheetikoff)
ecol. профессиональная конфедерация шведских рабочих (Сертифицирует мобильные телефоны, офисную мебель и компьютеры, которые соответствуют определенным требованиям по энергоэффективности, безопасности рабочего места и воздействия на окружающую среду Yuriy83)
econ. совокупная стоимость владения (MichaelBurov); ССВ (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. контролёр тактической обстановки (tactical control officer)
IT организация TCO (unact.ru Bricker); стандарт TCO (unact.ru Bricker)
media. общая совокупная стоимость владения (расходы, связанные с закупками аппаратных и программных средств, развёртыванием и конфигурированием приложений, обновлением аппаратуры и программ, обучением, сопровождением и технической поддержкой)
O&G, casp. ТШО (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tax. налоговое управление (Tax Credit Office (UK) heisenburger)
tech. прозрачный проводящий оксидный слой (MichaelBurov)
telecom. Общая стоимость владения (Georgy Moiseenko)
 English thesaurus
TCO abbr.
abbr. Take Cost Out; Take Costs Out; Taking Care Of Ourselves; Telecommunications Certification Officer; Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation; Total Cost For Organization; Total Cost Of Operation; Total Cost Of Ownership; Telecommunications Contracting Office; Telecommunications Control Officer; TELENET central office; Tengiz Chevroil (Yeldar Azanbayev); Test Cell Output (UNI, ATM); Tag closed cup
abbr., automat. thermal cut-out (ssn)
abbr., avia. tape controlled oscillator
abbr., commer. Termination Contracting Officer
abbr., econ. total cost of ownership (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Teacher Chosen Objective
abbr., el. tape cassette output; Telenet control office; telephone cut-off; temperature coefficient of offset; temperature compensated oscillator; time-consuming operation; transfer in channel in operation; transparent conductive oxide (film); trunk cut-off
abbr., el., scient. Transparent Conducting Oxide
abbr., IT T9000 object modules; Third Cache- Off; Triple Capacity Option; Total cost of ownership; total cost of ownership (Bricker)
abbr., med. carbon monoxide transfer factor; Trinity College, Oxford
abbr., mil. Tactical Combat Operations; Telecommunications Certification Office; Test Control Officer; termination contracting office; r transnational criminal organization
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. Tengizchevroil
abbr., oil time cut-off (relay); total cycle oil; trunk cut off
abbr., org.name. Field Operations Division
abbr., progr., IT Technical Computing Operations
abbr., real.est. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., scottish Transport Control Officer (British Army)
abbr., space tape-controlled oscillator; telecommunications control; test and checkout; Transformational Communication Office
abbr., st.exch. Taubman Centers, Inc.
abbr., tech. transparent conductive oxide (MichaelBurov); time cut-off relay
abbr., telecom. trial commercial operations (triumfov); time cut-off (relay)
airports, avia. Tumaco, Colombia
ecol. total content of atmospheric ozone
energ.ind. time cut-out
mil. tactical combat operations; tactical control officer; technical contracting office; technical control officer; test control office; test control officer; theater chief ordnance officer; traffic control officer; transport company; transportation control office; transportation control officer
tech. telemetry and command subsystem; thermal cut-out; total cost ownership
: 27 phrases in 9 subjects
Automated equipment1
Electrical engineering3
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Sakhalin S7