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TCD abbr.stresses
agric. тонн тростника в день (Alexey Lebedev)
bank. темпокасса (teller cash dispenser masizonenko)
lab.eq. термокаталитический детектор (thermocatalytic detector Углов)
O&G, sakh. УЗО (бухг. GAAP)
oil.proc. термокаталитическое разложение (thermocatalytic decomposition nelly the elephant)
 English thesaurus
TCD abbr.
abbr. Taking Care Of Debbie; Telecommunications Consumers Division; Telephony Call Dispatcher; Throttle Cut Defender; Total Cost of Development; Technical Contracts Department; Technical Cooperation Department; thyratron core driver; Time Code Division; Time Compliance Data; tonic cane per day
abbr., account. GAAP
abbr., agric. tons of cane per day (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., archit., scient. Thinline Cutaway Dual
abbr., auto. Total Chamber Deposit (I. Havkin)
abbr., automat. technical cutting data
abbr., avia. Tactical Configuration Domain; Total Contents Display (ВосьМой); type certificate data; technical circular directive; temporary configuration departure; test control document; training course duration; type certification data
abbr., busin. total cost approach to distribution
abbr., ed., scient. Trinity College Dublin
abbr., el. temperature-compensated diode; three channel decoder; tone code device; transaction control domain; transistor chopper driver; transistor controlled delay; transmit collision detect; trench contact depth
abbr., med. T-cell Depletion; Transverse Cardiac Diameter; Tumoricidal Dose; Trans- Cranial Doppler; transcerebellar diameter (harser); transcranial dopplerography (Транскраниальная допплерография (ТКДГ) eugeniaiv); tissue culture dose; tissue cytopathogenic dose; tumor control dose
abbr., med.appl. Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (harser)
abbr., mil. Time/ Code Distribution
abbr., mil., air.def. time critical data
abbr., mil., avia. target center display
abbr., mil., WMD Thermal conductivity detector
abbr., oil Chad; thermal cell detector; thermal conductivity detection; thermochemical deposition
abbr., oil.proc. thermocatalytic decomposition (nelly the elephant)
abbr., org.name. Office of Assistant Director-General, TC
abbr., phys., scient. Thermal Conductivity Response Detector
abbr., physiol., med. Two Coats A Day
abbr., police Traffic Control Division
abbr., polym. tons per calendar day
abbr., qual.cont. tentative classification of defects
abbr., scottish Landing ship, dock (French Navy); Technology & Concepts Directorate, US Army Training & Doctrine Command
abbr., sport. Tennis Competitors of Dallas
abbr., tradem. Technology Center Of Dupage; The Credit Department, Inc.
abbr., transp. Traffic Control Devices
comp. time-split collision detection
energ.ind. technical coordinating document
mil. task completion date; telemetry and command data; tentative classification of damage; tentative classification of documents; test completion date; three-channel decoder; time compliance directive
tech. temperature coefficient of delay; temperature compensated diode; test communications division
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Analytical chemistry3
Oil and gas1