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TB nstresses
bank. казначейский вексель (treasury bill)
dril. тонконапластованный (thin bedded)
IT 1000 Гбайт; 1099511627776 байтов
med. туберкулёз (Alex_Sh); прививки от туберкулёза, / БЦЖ /; Общий билирубин (Total bilirubin Pustelga)
oil резервуарный парк (tank battery); тройник (T-bend)
seism. марка времени (time break)
st.exch. казначейка ("T-Bond", "Treasury Bond")
tech., abbr. военное обозначение буксируемых объектов
Игорь Миг, UN договорной орган (Напр. в системе ООН)
Tb n
tech. тербий
TB adj.
gen. база терминологии (termbase Alex_Odeychuk); словарь терминологии (termbase Alex_Odeychuk); термбаза (терминологическая база financial-engineer)
automat. пайка при нагреве пламенем (сокр. от torch brazing ssn)
chess.term. таблицы Томпсона
geophys. отметка момента
Gruzovik, IT терабайт (TByte)
IT 2 в 40 степени байтов
med. противотуберкулёзный (TB drugs – противотуберкулезные лекарственные средства Min$draV)
O&G, karach. Тендерный комитет (Tender Board Aiduza)
oil отметка момента взрыва (time break)
polym. предел прочности при растяжении (то же что tensile strength Karabas)
TB abbr.
comp., MS ТБ (A measurement used for high-capacity data storage. One terabyte equals 240, or 1,099,511,627,776, bytes, although it is commonly interpreted as simply one trillion bytes)
 English thesaurus
TB abbr.
abbr. Tampa Bay; Time Base; Tabular Bayes' (algorithm); Tank Buster; Temporary Building; TuBerculosis; telemeter band; torpedo-boat; tuberculosis; tile block; top and bottom; Tomboy Bitch
abbr., account. trial balance
abbr., agric. tubercule bacillus
abbr., auto. timing belt; torsion bar; towbar; truck and bus tire
abbr., automat. torch brazing (ssn)
abbr., avia. true radio bearing; tail bearing; taper bit; tapered bolt; tensile bending; test bench; threading bar; tooling ball; tooling bulletin; turbine blades
abbr., Canada Thunder Bay
abbr., ed., scient. Text Book
abbr., el. tight binding (orbital); terabyte; tail biting method; task block; task broker; telephone banking; test board; testboard; thermal breakdown; time-bandwidth (product); timebase; token bus; tone burst; track ball; transaction broker; transfer buffer; translation bridging; translation buffer; transmitted bit; transmitter blocking; transmitter buffer; transparent bridge; triangular barrier diode; triple-barrier structure; trunk block; trunk branching; trunk buffer; tunable birefringence; twin binary; twin bridge
abbr., electr.eng. terminal board
abbr., file.ext. Terabyte (1,024 gigabytes, One Thousand Billion characters of information)
abbr., footb. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
abbr., forestr. tree biomass
abbr., insur. Thrust block
abbr., IT To Be; terabyte; terabit; Technical Board
abbr., lab.eq. Thymol Blue
abbr., med. Taussig-Bing (syndrome); Tbilisi (phage); Terabit (trillion Bits); Tubercle Bacillus; Tracheal Bronchiolar (region); Tumor Bank; toluidine blue; total base; total bilirubin; tracheobronchitis
abbr., met. torch brazing; top and bottom blowing
abbr., mil. Technical Bulletin; Time Bandwidth
abbr., mil., avia. target bombing
abbr., monk. Travel Bug
abbr., O&G, sakh. Tender Board (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil tank battery; thin bedded; temperature at normal boiling point; time base; time break; triple-braided
abbr., pest.contr. tablet
abbr., physiol., med. Total body
abbr., post 3 digit ZIP+4 Barcoded rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line
abbr., scottish Torpedo-Bomber
abbr., st.exch. Treasury Bills
abbr., tech. Tobin bronze
abbr., transp. Throttle Body
abbr., vet.med., med. Thoroughbred
energ.ind., abbr. training benefits; turbine blading
invest., abbr. treasury bill
mil., abbr. tactical bulletin; tank battalion; temporary buoy; test bulletin; torpedo boat; torpedo bomber; total bases; tracer bullet; training battalion; training branch; training bulletin; troop basis; turret-based
mil., avia. technical bulletin
tech., abbr. technology base; tee bend; terminal block; thermal background; transmitter blocker; trap bit; true bearing; turbine building
Tb abbr.
abbr. absolute temperature at reference or base condition; tablespoon (столовая ложка Dimpassy)
abbr., earth.sc. tertiary basalt flows
abbr., med. terbium
abbr., oil brittle temperature
energ.ind. absolute bed gas temperature
energ.ind., abbr. bed turnover time; bulk temperature
tech. body temperature
TBS abbr.
abbr. telephone bank service
abbr., avia. tailored business streams
abbr., chem. tert-butyl phenyl salicylate
abbr., comp., net. transport block set
abbr., heavy.eq. Total Body Shock (одна из разновидностей аэробики, которая состоит из традиционных аэробных упражнений и упражнений, укрепляющих мышцы. uar)
abbr., oil threaded blue streak
abbr., pharm. tribromsalan
abbr., space to be superseded
abbr., sport. Turn-based Strategy Game
tb abbr.
abbr. turbine
abbr., earth.sc. tuff breccia
abbr., sport. total bases
automat. table
O&G tube
tb. abbr.
abbr., econ. trial balance
abbr., mech.eng. turnbuckle
TBs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. tectonic belts
TB abbr.
abbr. triple braided
abbr., busin. technic bulletin; Tourist Bureau
abbr., chem. tetrazolium blue
abbr., comp., MS terabyte (A measurement used for high-capacity data storage. One terabyte equals 240, or 1,099,511,627,776, bytes, although it is commonly interpreted as simply one trillion bytes)
abbr., comp., net. transport block
abbr., dril. travelling block
abbr., earth.sc. brightness temperature; Tamworth Belt; tethered balloon; thermobarometer; trachybasalt; turning bands method
abbr., mech.eng. tee-bend
abbr., oil tectonic boundary; tension break; terabytes; test base; thermal balance; thin-bedded; tholeiitic basalt; thrust belt; tightly bound; time-base; tip bit; transverse bar; transverse bulkhead; trolley beam; turbulent bed; turnbuckle
abbr., textile tariff barriers; tariff bureau; telegraph bureau
interntl.trade., abbr. terminal beyond
: 61 phrases in 16 subjects
Health care3
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Medical appliances1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
United Nations1