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special use airspacestresses
astronaut. район с особым режимом полётов
avia. воздушное пространство особого назначения (MichaelBurov); ВП особого назначения (MichaelBurov)
mil. зона воздушного пространства для специального использования; особая зона воздушного пространства
 English thesaurus
Special-Use Airspace
abbr., scottish SUA
special-use airspace
avia., amer. Airspace classified as: a Class F advisory CYA, Class F restricted CYR or Class F danger CYD, which can be controlled airspace, uncontrolled airspace ora combination of both; b military operations area MOA, below FL 180 in the U.S.; c ATC-assigned airspace Military Area ATCAA FL 180 and above in the U.S.; d airspace restricted by NOTAM for forest fire aircraft operating restrictions; and e other airspace restricted by NOTAM to cover specific situations such as oil-well fires, disaster areas, etc.
Special Use Airspace
: 2 phrases in 1 subject