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STM abbr.stresses
automat. установка для промывки деталей (после обработки; Surface Treatment Machine olga_iva)
Gruzovik, math. статистическое мультиплексирование (statistical multiplexing; stat mux)
Makarov. сканирующая туннельная микроскопия
mol.biol. среда для транспортировки образцов (Specimen Transport Medium ihorio)
O&G швартовка к одиночной башне (MichaelBurov)
photo. шаговый двигатель (e.g. cyberscholar.com Aiduza); шаговый электродвигатель (e.g. cyberscholar.com Aiduza); шаговый индукторный двигатель (e.g. cyberscholar.com Aiduza)
phys. сканирующий туннельный микроскоп (сокр. от "scanning tunneling microscope" Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. синхронный режим переноса (системы передачи железнодорожного транспорта ROGER YOUNG)
 English thesaurus
STM abbr.
abbr. Safety Technology Management; Science Technical Medical; Stan The Man; Support Tools Manager; Synchronous Transmission Module; Sample Time Message; Secure Tickle Me; short term memory; Simple Tree Manipulation; Single Theodolite Module; Skill, Task, Measure (Interex); Standard Thermal Model; State Trade Mission; Steel Technology Magazine; Super Text Markup; surface-to-target-to-missile STLT, small transportable link terminal; Synchronous Transfer Module; Syracuse Television Market; System Master Tape; stochastic Turing machine
abbr., astronaut. Space Traffic Management (semfromshire)
abbr., avia. Santarem, PA, Brazil; selective traffic management; statute miles; system test module; software test management; support test manager; system training mission
abbr., busin. statement; system
abbr., commer. supplementary trade mechanism EEC
abbr., commun. Specific Transmission Module
abbr., comp., net. Statistical Multiplexer; statistical multiplexing
abbr., comp., net., IT Segment Time Marked; Synchronous Transmission Mode
abbr., earth.sc. state transition matrix; sweeping tunnel microscope
abbr., ed., scient. Science Technology And Medicine; Science, Technical, Medical
abbr., el. scanning tip microscope; scattering-theoretical method; semi-transparent mirror; SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV; signaling traffic management; single transverse mode; spin tuned magnetron; status manager; storage manager; super telecentric microscope; supervisory and test module; switching transfer mode; synthetic timing mode
abbr., el., scient. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
abbr., file.ext. Music format (Scream Tracker Module Vosoni); Scream Tracker II Music (4 channel)
abbr., IT Synchronous Transfer Mode; Signal Transfer Mode; synchronous transport module (Bricker); synchronous transport lane
abbr., life.sc. scanning tunnel microscopy
abbr., Makarov. scanning tunneling microscopy; surface treatment machine
abbr., med. International Association Of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers; Short Term Memory; Society For Thermal Medicine (Previously: North American Hyperthermia Society); Scanning Tunneling Microscope; short-term memory
abbr., microel. scanning transmission electron microscope
abbr., mil. Short Term Mission; Small Tactical Munition (qwarty)
abbr., mil., air.def. space time management; STDL message
abbr., O&G single tower mooring (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil steel-tape measurement; Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands; scanning tunneling microscopes; send test message; shot time minute; similarity threshold method; stack time migration; steel tape measurement; synthetic tree model
abbr., opt. scanning tunnelling microscope
abbr., photo. stepper motor (e.g. http://www.cyberscholar.com/canon/camera/index.cfm?page=trainingCenter&product=efs_18_135mm_40mm_lenses&productPage=default Aiduza); stepping motor (e.g. http://www.cyberscholar.com/canon/camera/index.cfm?page=trainingCenter&product=efs_18_135mm_40mm_lenses&productPage=default Aiduza)
abbr., phys., scient. Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
abbr., physiol., med. Soft Tissue Management
abbr., police Shoot The Mother
abbr., progr. Software Transactional Memory (mkeyreal)
abbr., progr., IT Support Tool Manager
abbr., qual.cont. Standard Test Method (ElviVine)
abbr., scottish Self-Transporting Munition (USA)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Synchronous Transport Module
abbr., space scanning tunnel microscope; significant technical milestones (experiment); static test model; structure-thermal model; synchro transformer module
abbr., st.exch. S T Microelectronics N V
abbr., toxicol. sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
meteorol. storm
mil. service test model; special test missile; strategic mission; structural test model; supersonic tactical missile; supplementary technical manual; surface-to-target-to-missile
tech. self-test module; signal termination module; system test mode
stm abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. statute mile
O&G steam
μ-STM abbr.
abbr., el. micromachined scanning tunneling microscope
: 39 phrases in 4 subjects
Mass media6