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SSE nstresses
bank. Фондовая биржа Сиднея (Sydney Stock Exchange)
busin. Сиднейская фондовая биржа (Sydney Stock Exchange)
dril. юго-юго-восток (South-South-East)
ed. стокгольмская школа экономики (bigmaxus)
Gruzovik, scient. твёрдотельная электроника (solid-state electronics); полупроводниковая электроника (solid-state electronics)
med. симптомные явления со стороны костной системы (Adrax)
mil. находящийся на подводной части подлодки сигнальный спусковой механизм (submerged signal ejector WiseSnake)
nautic. зюйд-зюйд-ост (MichaelBurov); румб 14 (MichaelBurov); меж лета обедник (-поморское название MichaelBurov); юго-юго-восток (-"сухопутное" название MichaelBurov); азимут 157,50° (MichaelBurov)
O&G техническое обеспечение безопасности системы (system safety engineering)
O&G, oilfield. работник подрядчика с малым стажем (Shell defines Short Service Employee as "Contractor Personnel with less than 6 months in the same job type or less than six months with their present employer". anchorite2000)
O&G, sakh. максимальное расчётное землетрясение (Safe Shutdown Event)
O&G. tech. Short Service Employee Временно нанимаемый работник (Shmunya)
oil специальное оборудование для текущего ремонта (special support equipment)
st.exch. Срочная биржа Сиднея (Sydney Stock Exchange)
stat. сумма квадратов ошибки ("sum squared error" Alex_Odeychuk)
SSE short-service employee abbr.
O&G, tengiz. МОР (Малоопытный работник dossoulle)
 English thesaurus
SSE abbr.
abbr. system safety effectiveness; Senior Software Engineer; Society for Scientific Exploration; Surface Solar Energy; Syrentha Savio Endowment; Same Shit Everyone; SIGINT support element; Simple Screen Editor; Software Support Engineer; Solar System Earth; south-south-east (Vosoni); South-SouthEast; Spatial Services Engine; Special Security Element; Speed Strength And Endurance; Streaming SIMD Extentions (Intel, Pentium, SIMD); Sum Of Squares For Error; Superior Subcutaneous Epidermis; Sydney Stock Exchange; single-silk over enamel; solid-state electronics; synthetic secondary waste-water effluent
abbr., anim.husb. South South-east
abbr., auto. supplemental spark energy
abbr., avia. store safety equipment; South South east; system supervisory equipment
abbr., bev. single strength equivalent
abbr., busin. small-scale enterprise (Е. Тамарченко, 20.10.2017 Евгений Тамарченко); small-sized enterprise (Е. Тамарченко, 20.10.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
abbr., comp., net. specialized search engine
abbr., comp., net., IT Streaming Simd Extension
abbr., comp.name. Shanghai Shipping Exchange
abbr., earth.sc. safe shut down earthquake; sum of squared errors; systems science and engineering
abbr., ed. Stockholm School of Economy (bigmaxus)
abbr., el. electronic countermeasures submarine; separate-source evaporation; signal spontaneous emission; single sideband exciter; solid-state electrolyte; spacecraft simulation equipment; stop on soft error; summary status entry; system surveillance equipment
abbr., fin. Shanghai Stock Exchange; Stockholm Stock Exchange
abbr., IT single-silk enamel; Simple Sharing Extension; semantic search engine
abbr., math., scient. Sum of Squares for Error
abbr., meteorol. soap-suds enema; Saline Solution Enema; Skin Self-examination; Soapsuds Enema; Steady State Exercise; Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy; Spine Society Of Europe; standard error of estimate (inspirado); symptomatic skeletal events (Adrax)
abbr., mil. System Status Evaluation; sensitive site exploitation (Nu Zdravstvuy); satellite communications SATCOM systems expert; space support element
abbr., mil., air.def. electronic countermeasure submarine
abbr., mil., avia. self-sustained emission
abbr., mil., WMD source selection evaluation
abbr., mining. site sensitized emulsion (S. Manyakin)
abbr., nautic. south southeast (MichaelBurov); south-southeast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. SSO (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Safe Shutdown Event
abbr., O&G, sakh. Safe shutdown earthquake
abbr., oil spot size error
abbr., progr. streaming SIMD extensions (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Single Stepping Engine; Streaming SIMD Extensions; Structured Source Editing
abbr., relig. Society of Saint Edmund
abbr., scient. Scottish Standard English; Surface meteorology and Solar Energy
abbr., scottish Simulation Support Environment; Singapore Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd; Submarine Signal Ejector
abbr., securit. Fund Index
abbr., space SATCOM system expert; space shuttle engines; sun sensor electronics; synthetic simulation environment
abbr., st.exch. Shanghai Securities Exchange; Shenzhen Stock Exchange; Southern Connecticut Bancorp, Inc.; Surabaya Stock Exchange; Swiss Exchange
abbr., textile Solid Sponge EVA
abbr., toxicol. short-term systemic effects (igisheva)
abbr., tradem. Scottish and Southern Energy plc; Seed Savers Exchange
el. Sum squared error
mil. service support equipment; signal security element; special support equipment; support system evaluation; surface support equipment; system safety engineering; system status evaluation; system support engineering; system support equipment
tech. single-silk enameled; solid state electronics; star sensor
sse n
avia. south-south east
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Power system protection1