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SRV abbr.stresses
abbr. предохранительный сбросной клапан (DRE)
geogr. СРВ (Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам) (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam Козинченко Анатолий)
 English thesaurus
SRV abbr.
abbr., auto. sport recreational vehicle; styling research vehicle
abbr., avia. servicing
abbr., el. step recovery varactor; server
abbr., geogr. Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Козинченко Анатолий)
abbr., geol. stimulated reservoir volume (mangoo)
abbr., law service request number (a nine-digit number, which identifies the particular request for service (регистрация компаний в Штате Делавэр) baloff)
abbr., med. slowly circulating red cell volume
abbr., met. smelt reduction vessel
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite recovery vehicle
abbr., valves safety relief valve (DRE)
Srv abbr.
abbr., busin. service
abbr., geol. Serravallian strata (MichaelBurov); Serravallian sequence (MichaelBurov)
SRV abbr.
abbr. Some Real Validation; Space Re-entry Vehicle; Stans Renewable Viagra; Stevie Ray Vaughan; Subspacecadet Remote Viewing; Stimulated Reservoir Volume (mangoo)
abbr., automat. storage-and-retrieval vehicle
abbr., avia. Stony River, Alaska USA; Short Runner Valve (Zealot2002); stopped-rotor vehicle
abbr., comp., net., IT Storage Ring Viewer
abbr., construct. apartment service area
abbr., IT Subject Relation Value
abbr., law Social Role Valorization
abbr., med. Schmidt-Ruppin Virus; Sheep Retrovirus; Simian Retrovirus; Small Round Virus; Superior Radicular Vein; sample rotor valve (harser)
abbr., mil. Software Requirements Verification
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. SakhRybVod
abbr., oil source rock volume
abbr., scottish Surrogate Research Vehicle (USA)
abbr., space sample return vehicle; satellite reentry vehicle; space rescue vehicle
abbr., st.exch. Service Corporation International
abbr., transp. Sport Recreation Vehicle
energ.ind. stop/ratio valve
mil. short-range viewer; system readiness verification
tech. safety relief valve; surface recombination velocity
TV servo
Srv abbr.
abbr. Serravallian (MichaelBurov); Serravallian age (MichaelBurov); Serravallian time (MichaelBurov); the Serravallian (MichaelBurov)
geol. Serravallian Stage (MichaelBurov)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects