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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
SPE nstresses
EU. Статут европейской частной компании (Statute for European Private Company 25banderlog)
SPE abbr.
gen. НПП (научно-производственное предприятие (Амбарцумян)
abbr. компания специального назначения (special purpose entity, (synonym) special purpose vehicle – компания, специально созданная для проведения одной трансакции (либо серии трансакций), обычно в целях оптимизации налогообложения Andrew2)
astronaut. всплеск солнечных космических лучей (solar particle event ffynnon.garw)
busin. компания специального назначения, проектная компания (special purpose entity sco2ttish)
chromat. solid-phase extraction, твердофазная экстракция, ТФЭ (volya97)
dril. Общество инженеров-нефтяников Американского института горных инженеров (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
el.chem. твёрдый полимерный электролит (mashik88)
fin. юридическое лицо специального назначения (special purpose vehicle Alex Lilo)
IT ядро специального назначения (процессора; сокр. от "synergistic processing element" Alex_Odeychuk); специализированное ядро (процессора; сокр. от "synergistic processing element" Alex_Odeychuk)
med. электрофорез сывороточных белков (MichaelBurov); электрофорез протеина сыворотки (MichaelBurov)
microel. безопасный ввод PIN-кода (JuliaR)
O&G Общество инженеров нефтегазовой промышленности (grafleonov)
oil общество инженеров-нефтяников (США; Society of Petroleum Engineers)
real.est. специальное юридическое лицо (Alex_Odeychuk); целевая компания (Alex_Odeychuk); специальная проектная компания (Alex_Odeychuk)
SPE Supercritical Fluid Extraction abbr.
pharm. СФЭ (Сверхкритическая флюидная экстракция webbeauty)
 English thesaurus
SPE abbr.
abbr. Semiconductor Product Equipment; Service Procurement Engineering; special purpose entity (Alexander Matytsin); School of Preliminary Education; Society for Pure English; Symbolic Programming Environment; special purpose vehicle
abbr., agric. specific-pathogen-free
abbr., AI. small processing element
abbr., automat. sensitive protective equipment (ssn)
abbr., avia. Sepulot, Sabah, Malaysia; serial port expander; seller-purchase equipment; structure protective equipment; supplier purchased equipment
abbr., chem. solid-phase extraction
abbr., commer. Senior Procurement Executive
abbr., comp., net., IT Service Processing Element
abbr., ed. Student Program Element
abbr., el. sequenced packet exchange; serial poll enable; silicon planar epitaxial; single-particle excitation; small processing element; solid-phase epitaxial; solid phase epitaxy
abbr., fin. single point of entry (One of the resolution strategies used in EU MAMOHT)
abbr., immunol. streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin
abbr., IT Software Port Entity; Special Purpose Entity; Synchronous Payload Envelope; System Policy Editor; Software Process Engineering
abbr., med. Septic Pulmonary Edema; Serum Protein Electrolytes; Serum Protein Electrophoresis; serum protein electrophoresis (MichaelBurov); agarose gel electrophoresis (harser); source plasma establishment (harser)
abbr., microel. Secure PIN Entry (часть стандарта PC/SC 2.0 по безопасной передаче PIN-кода JuliaR)
abbr., mil. senior procurement executive
abbr., mil., air.def. systems performance effectiveness
abbr., mil., avia. signal processing element
abbr., mil., WMD Source of pollutant emissions
abbr., nano solid-phase epitaxy
abbr., oil shallower pool extension; Society of Petroleum Engineers (AIME)
abbr., opt. solar proton event
abbr., phys., scient. Solid Phase Extraction
abbr., polym. Society of Plastics Engineers
abbr., progr. synergistic processor element (ssn)
energ.ind. solid particle erosion; steam packing exhauster
mil. Seattle port of embarkation; signal processing electronics; special-purpose equipment; spherical probable error; system performance evaluation
tech. signal processing element; software performance engineering; system performance effectiveness
Spe abbr.
abbr., auto. speed
abbr., earth.sc. spessartite
abbr., oil spessarite
SPE abbr.
abbr. Scientific and Production Enterprise (Амбарцумян); subgame perfect equilibrium (A.Rezvov)
abbr., avia. Seller Purchased Equipment (is BFE that Boeing purchases for Customer and that is identified as SPE in the Detail Specification for the Aircraft. geseb); seller purchased equipment
abbr., busin. subport of embarkation
abbr., earth.sc. solid polymer electrolyte; standard pan evaporation
abbr., oil shallow pool extension; Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition; Society of Plastic Engineers
abbr., patents. supervisory patent examiner (Boris54)
abbr., space special purpose equipment; static phase error; stored program element
abbr., sport., med. systolic pressure elevated
abbr., textile shrinkproofing effect
oil, abbr. Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPE. abbr.
abbr., econ. Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPE-AIME abbr.
abbr. Society of Petroleum Engineers (of AIME)
SPE: 14 phrases in 11 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology2
Medical appliances1
Molecular biology1
Oil and gas2