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SOG nstresses
el. структура "система на стекле"; метод "систем на стекле"; технология создания дисплеев и дисплеев-сканеров с рабочей матрицей на стеклянной подложке; технология SOG
SoG n
TV Передача синхросигнала в зеленом канале (Sync-on-Green Rmn_Svrt)
SOG abbr.
gen. Правительство Сахалинской области (не GSO! ABelonogov)
chem. субэзофагеальный ганглий (Bauirjan)
gas.proc. Продажа газa (Sales of gas schyzomaniac)
tech. скорость относительно дна моря (speed over ground LyuFi); скорость относительно грунта (LyuFi)
 English thesaurus
SOGS abbr.
abbr. South Oaks Gambling Screen; Southern Oaks Girls School
abbr., ed., scient. Society Of Graduate Students
abbr., med. Saudi Obstetric and Genaecological Society
abbr., monk. Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society
abbr., scient. Surface Observations Gridding System
SOG abbr.
abbr. Seat Of Government; Shades Of Green; Sogdian; Speed Over the Ground; Shards Of Glory; shots on goal (кол-во бросков в створ ворот (хоккей) sledopyt); Studies And Observation Group; surface sonarman
abbr., avia. Sogndal, Norway; special operation group
abbr., construct. slab-on-grade (crockodile)
abbr., earth.sc. spherical orthogonal grids
abbr., ed. Society Of Genealogists
abbr., ed., scient. Studies and Observation Group; Studies And Observations Group
abbr., el. Silicon-on-glass (semfromshire); same output gate; second order gradient; spin-on glass
abbr., el., scient. Spin- On Glass
abbr., geol., scient. Study and Observations Group
abbr., inet. Son Of a Gun
abbr., IT sea of gate
abbr., mil. Sea Of Green; Sensitive Operations Group; Sons Of Gestapo; Special Operations Group; special operations group
abbr., monk. Southern Ohio Guns
abbr., relig. Soldiers Of God; Sons Of God
abbr., sport. Shots On Goal; Slip On Glove; shot on goal
abbr., transp. Speed Over Ground
FBI. Seat of Government
mil. special operating group
tech. Shuttle optical glow
Sog abbr.
abbr. initial oil saturation in gas cap
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil and gas1