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SN nstresses
gen. сверхновая звезда; Уведомление о безопасности (Safety Notice Nicolae)
avia. заводской номер (SvetlanaKE)
bank. номер акции (stock number)
el. уникальный серийный номер; порядковый номер
Gruzovik, mil. подводная лодка с ядерной силовой установкой (submarine, nuclear)
Gruzovik, scient. порядковое число (serial number)
microbiol. Сывороточная нейтрализация (Serum Neutralization ElviVine)
textile индийская пенька (Sunn Yuriy83)
chech. ЧСН (Liquid_Sun)
Sn n
tech. олово
Sn v
cables лудить; покрывать оловом
SN adj.
bank. номер ценной бумаги (security number)
dril. посадка ниппеля в муфту (seating nipple)
math. объём выборки (sample number)
mil. Си-Эн (сернил)
SN abbr.
tax. Standard rate VAT 20% – non-recoverable Найдено: B_victoria (google.ru Karabas)
 English thesaurus
SN abbr.
abbr. spot next (вк)
abbr., immunol. seroneutralization (iwona)
abbr., med. student nurse (faddyfeme); sensorineural (SN HL - нейросенсорная тугоухость Min$draV)
abbr., sport. snatch (рывок eugeene1979)
Sn abbr.
abbr. stannum (tin)
abbr., chem. nucleophilic substitution
abbr., earth.sc. sanbornite
SN abbr.
abbr. Sarah Neko; Serial Number; Shona; Signetics; Southern Nations; Starting Number; State Name; supernova (Butterfly812); Science News; Secretary of the Navy; Sine Nomine; sine of the amplitude; siren; solvent-neutral (A Hun); Strategic Navigation; Super Nova; Switching Network; super node; scientific note; Secretary of Navy; steam navigation; stereospecific numbering
abbr., agric. serum-neutralization test
abbr., agric., chem. sodium nitrate
abbr., AI. Speaker Normalization
abbr., astr. sunspot number
abbr., astronaut. Space Network; SuperNova (e.g., SN1987A)
abbr., astronaut., mil. Seaman (Navy)
abbr., auto. signal network; skid number; smoke number
abbr., automat. scope note
abbr., avia. service network; standard notes; stick nudger; serrated nut; service note; sine of amplitude; spray nozzle; square nut; student navigator; suffix number
abbr., busin. shipping notice; soon; stannum
abbr., chem., scient. Tin
abbr., comp., net., IT Single Node; Static Node
abbr., earth.sc. signal-to-noise (Ratio); snowpack; sphene; Standard Oil Company (Indiana)
abbr., ed. Speaking Naturally
abbr., ed., scient. Source Name; Student Nominee
abbr., el. subscriber number; segment number; service notification; share nothing; signaling network; signal node; silicon nitride; source node; speech network; stage number; storage network; subsystem number; switching network; switching node; subnetwork
abbr., electr.eng. semiconductor network; solid-state network
abbr., file.ext. Compressed song file (Sound Club editor)
abbr., hydrol. snow
abbr., inet. Screen Name; Senior Net
abbr., IT Compressed song file; Sequence Number; service node; Semantic Network
abbr., med. Société De Néphrologie; sinus node; serum-neutralization; staff nurse; Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations; supernormal
abbr., med., lat. secundum naturam
abbr., mil. Seaman; Squadron Name; Synchronization Node; serial number; Smart Noise (jammer); stock number; sending nation
abbr., mil., air.def. super network
abbr., mil., WMD solid neutral; Supplementary notice
abbr., nucl.phys. station number bit
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Construction Norms
abbr., oil seating nipple; saturation noise; serial sequence number; shipping note; side note; sidewall neutron; sign/number; signal-to-noise; streamline nozzle; stress-number; succinonitrile; swaged nipple; switch network
abbr., polit. Senegal; Singapore
abbr., polym. saponification number
abbr., soil. solonetz
abbr., telecom. switching matrix
abbr., textile shipping note notice
invest. security number
mil. service number; sortie number; submarine, nuclear
O&G building codes
tech. satellite navigation; shot noise; signal-to-noise ratio; small nephelometer; spaceborne navigation; steroid number; synchronizer
Sn abbr.
abbr. shingle; stannum (сокращенное обозначение химического элемента - олова. = tin Leonid Dzhepko); Tin
abbr., med. tin; Snell
energ.ind. discrete ordinates formulation; tube spacing normal to flow
sn abbr.
abbr. sanitary; sanitation; seaman; sthene; stene (sthéne)
abbr., med. subnasale
IT sign
tech. sn
: 25 phrases in 11 subjects
Food service and catering1
Gold mining1
Medical appliances1