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SLCs abbr.stresses
telecom. комплекты SLC (oleg.vigodsky)
SLCS abbr.
abbr. Погружено, посчитано, опечатано грузоотправителем (Shipper's Load、Count 、Seal Спиридонов Н.В.)
 English thesaurus
SLC abbr.
abbr., avia. software life cycle
abbr., clim. changement du niveau de la mer; VLM; variazione del livello del mare; variazione del livello marino
abbr., mil. single line concept
abbr., org.name. Ufficio subregionale per l'America centrale; Subregional Office for the Caribbean
abbr., tech. side lobe cancellation
SLCS abbr.
abbr., el. satellite laser communications system; subscriber loop carrier system
abbr., med. small left colon syndrome
abbr., scottish Survivable Low Communications Systems
mil. submarine-launched communications satellite
tech. standby liquid control system
: 1 phrase in 1 subject