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SBR abbr.stresses
ecol. биореактор для очистки сточных вод (Sequencing Batch Reactor nikolkor)
Makarov. СКС
med. сексуальное поведение с высоким риском заражения ВИЧ (sexual behaviours at risk of HIV-1 transmission Indigirka)
polym. стирол-бутадиен-каучук (13.05); бутадиенстирольный каучук (MichaelBurov)
UN Статистический регистр предприятий (Statistical Business Register unece.org marina_aid)
 English thesaurus
SBR abbr.
abbr. Sam And Bailey Relationship; Small Business Resources; Spectral Bandwidth Replication; Society of Biological Rhythm; Special Boat Squadron; Summary Bridging Report (ННатальЯ); System Base Register (Vosoni)
abbr., auto. seat belt reminder
abbr., avia. Saibai Island, Queensland, Australia
abbr., chem., scient. Sequencing Batch Reactor
abbr., dril. Shaft Boring Roadheader (A key reason to choose the Shaft Boring Roadheader is its mechanical excavation systems and multiple advantages over drill & blast. While increasing the level of health and safety, SBR is considered a cleaner, improved and modern working environment. An increased level of digital automation assists in generating real-time data acquisition and ready reporting analysis – for full transparency. This also leads to a higher logistical efficiency due to greater accuracy in excavation parameters. Finally, SBR provides an opportunity for concurrent work activities, ensuring your deadline is not missed. dmcmining.com Aiduza)
abbr., earth.sc. structure/biodegradability relations
abbr., ecol. sequencing batch reactor activated sludge process
abbr., el. standard base and resistor (diffusion); segment base register; selectively buried ridge waveguide; service bit rate; signal to background ratio; space based radar; standby-ready signal; statistical bit rate; stimulated Brillouin radiation; subroutine
abbr., electr.eng. styrene butadiene rubber
abbr., fin. standard business reporting (ZolVas)
abbr., IT Source Browser Support file
abbr., Makarov. storage buffer register
abbr., med. Small Bowel Resection; Small Box Respirator; Spleen-to-body weight Ratio; Strict Bed Rest; Styrene-butadiene Rubber; striatal binding ratios (harser)
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite-based radar
abbr., mil., WMD sequencing batch reactor
abbr., oil shear blank rams (andrushin); side-bed resistivity (shoulder-bed resistivity); sulfate reducing bacteria; Senonian bituminous rock; shoulder bed resistivity; styrene butadiene rubbers; synthetic butadiene rubber
abbr., physiol., med. Strict bed rest
abbr., plast. Styrene Butadiene Rubber
abbr., polym. styrene butadiene rubber (MichaelBurov); styrene-butadiene rubber; styrenebutadiene rubber
abbr., st.exch. Sabine Realty Trust
abbr., tech. synchronized bus relay; synchronizing bus relay
abbr., water.suppl. Sequencing Batch Reactors
mil. serial-bullet rifle; signal-to-background ratio; space-based radar; standard box respirator; Standby Reserve; supplemental budget request
tech. selective beacon radar; Soviet breeder reactor; standard boron base and resistor diffusion; styrene-butadiene-rubber
.SBR abbr.
file.ext. Source Browser (Borland)
.sbr abbr.
file.ext. Source Browser (file name extension, Borland)
SBr abbr.
abbr. signal bridge
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Chemical industry1