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sac [sæk] nstresses
Gruzovik, obs. мешечек (= мешочек)
SAC [sæk] n
gen. Комитет по малокалиберному оружию (Small Arms Committee yevsey)
Gruzovik, mil. стратегическое авиационное командование (Strategic Air Command)
sac [sæk] n
gen. сак (пальто); вино типа хереса (некогда ввозилось из Испании); грабёж; давать отставку (поклоннику); разграбление (захваченного города); широкое и свободное женское платье
biol. мешочек; сумка
chess.term. жертва (сокр. от sacrifice. That knight sac was unsound because it gave White very little compensation. SirReal)
hist. юрисдикция феодала; привилегия английского землевладельца чинить суд и расправу
inf. мошонка (AlexanderGerasimov)
med. инкапсулированный абсцесс у корня зуба; капсула опухоли или кисты; киста; капсула кисты; капсула опухоли
med., anat. мешок
nat.sc. пузырёк
nautic. подводный залив
tech. втулка (ratatosk)
vet.med. волдырь
sac [sæk] v
gen. грабить; нацеживать (в мех вино); ограбить; отдавать захваченный город на разграбление
chess.term. жертвовать (сокр. от sacrifice. He decided to sac the rook in return for good attacking chances. SirReal)
inf. прикарманивать; увольнять (с работы)
med. оболочка опухоли (MichaelBurov); оболочка кисты (MichaelBurov)
slang победить (в состязании)
SACs abbr.
telecom. коды SAC (oleg.vigodsky)
SACS abbr.
avia. Система Обеспечения Безопасного Доступа (Security Access Control System DUNLOP)
 English thesaurus
SAC [sæk] abbr.
abbr. Strategic Air Command; Sacramento Executive Airport, Sacramento, California USA; Salvation Army Corps; Same As Cash; Scenario Aircraft Converter; Scholastic Achievement Council; School Adventure Club; School Advisory Committee; School Advisory Council; School Aged Children; School Assessed Coursework; Scientific Advisory Committee; Scottish Agricultural College; Scottish Agricultural Colleges; Secure Authenticated Communication; Security Access Console; Seismic Analysis Code; Senior Advisory Council; Sense Alter And Control; Sense Alter Control; Seriously Amusing Cat; Service / Special Area Code; Session Admission Control; Shapley Ames Catalog; Simple Api For Css; Singapore Apple Collaboration; Slovak Antivirus Center; Small Agency Council; Smoothed Active Contour; Social Action Coordinator; Social Activities Club; Society And Culture; Software Assigned Controller; Sorry Ass Clan; Special Advisory Committee; Special Analysis Center; Sports Advisory Committee; sprayed acoustical ceiling; Stand Alone Console; Standards Aligned Classroom; Standing Armaments Committee; Strong Acid Cation; Student Action Committee; Student Activities Committee; Student Activities Council; Student Activity Center; Student Activity Club; Student Activity Council; Student Advocacy Center; Student Ambassadors for Christ; Student Assignment Center; Students Activities Council; Students Administrative Council; Students Against Corruption; Submitting All To Christ; Summer Arts Center; Superintendents Advisory Council; Supreme Allied Command; Supreme Allied Commander; Surface Air Consumption; Survive And Continue; Sussex Archaeological Collections; Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; System Administrators Council
abbr., amer. Special agent in charge (FBI Val_Ships)
abbr., astronaut. Space Activities Commission (Japan); Space Applications Centre (Ahmedabad, India)
abbr., BrE School of Army Cooperation; Senior Aircraftman; Shipbuilding Advisory Council; Strike Air Command
abbr., el. Senate Appropriations Committee; strict avalanche criterion
abbr., electr.eng. solid aluminum conductor
abbr., file.ext. Single Attachment Concentrator
abbr., immunol. splenic accessory cells; splenic adherent cells
abbr., med. Standards For Ambulatory Care; Stretch-activated Channel (heart Contraction)
abbr., mil., WMD Science Advisory Council
abbr., nautic. Sea-based Aircraft (Patient Zero); supporting arms coordinator
abbr., progr. service acceptance criteria (ssn)
abbr., scottish Scene of Action Commander; Self-Adaptive Channelizer (UK); Senior Aircraftsman; Shaanxi Aircraft Co. (China); Shenyang Aircraft Corp. (China); Small Arms Collimator; Systems Acquisition Career (USA)
abbr., tel. Special Area Code (represent services, not places)
abbr., telecom. Subscriber Acquisition Cost (triumfov)
comp. satellite access center
energ.ind. standard annular combustor; starved air combustion; strong acid cationite
mil. scene-of-action commander; secondary accountability center; secondary address code; security assistance; semiautomatic coding; service application code; signal analysis course; single address code; special agent in charge; special area code; special authorization card; standard aircraft characteristics; stock accounting center; strategic alert cadre; supply availability card; surface action commander
physiol. Sacral
tech. satellite communications; sectional area curve; sequential arming circuit; systems automation corp.
sac [sæk] abbr.
abbr. sacrament; sacred; sacrifice (в шахматах Translucid Mushroom)
book. sacramental
inf. saccharine
SAC [sæk] abbr.
abbr. Special Area Code тлф. represent services, not places; shareholders advisory committee (Yeldar Azanbayev); segregated account company (Alyona_S); store and clear
abbr., auto. self adjusting clutch; service assistant consultant; sports activity coupe
abbr., avia. Saskatchewan Aviation Council; Southport Aerospace Centre Inc.; sectional aeronautical charts; Shanghai Aviation Company; Shenyang Aircraft Industry Group Corporation Ltd.; Sichuan Airlines Co., LTD; side-arm controller; signature approval card; southern air command; system alert controller; system anti collision
abbr., combust. specific air consumption
abbr., comp.name. Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
abbr., el. security and access control system; security access controller; self-adapting control; self-aligned contact (etch); service access code; service arbitration and control (gate array); serving area concept; silicided amorphous-silicon contact and interconnect technology; silicon avalanche cathode; single address computer; spherical absorption correction; stand alone computer; statistical axial caustic; storage access controller; storage access counter; storage address counter; structure and composition; subscriber authorization center; suburban area coverage; synchronous astrocompass; syntax-based arithmetic coding; system administration center; system administration console; systolic array computer; smart access controller
abbr., fin. SAC Office; structural adjustment credit
abbr., med. screening and acute care; semi-anechoic (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., mil. special actions cell
abbr., mil., avia. Strategic Air Command (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., org.name. Statistics Advisory Committee of Experts
sac. abbr.
abbr., sport. sacrifice
SACS abbr.
abbr. Standardized Account Code Structure; Structural Analysis Computer System (Yakov); STU-III Access Control System
abbr., avia. speed attitude control system
abbr., ed. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
abbr., ed., scient. South African College School
abbr., el. set additional character separation; simple analog channel sequencing
abbr., med. Sleep And Circadian Studies; secondary anticoagulation system
abbr., mil. Structure and Composition System; secure telephone unit STU access control system
abbr., scottish Secondary Attitude & Compass System; Secure Access Control System; Services Air Cargo System (UK); Small Air-Capable Ship; Speed / Attitude Control System
abbr., space secondary attitude and compass system; solar attitude control system; speed/ attitude control system; synchronous altitude communication satellite
abbr., sport. Speed, Agility, Core, and Strength
abbr., tradem. Saline Aquifer Company Storage
abbr., transp. Suzuki Advanced Cooling System
mil. satellite attitude control simulator; sonar accuracy check site; speed and attitude control system; strategic acoustic communications system; structure and composition system; synchronous altitude communications satellite
: 361 phrases in 49 subjects
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