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RI nstresses
account. остаточная прибыль (прибыль от ведения операций, которую центр инвестиций способен получить сверх минимальной нормы прибыли)
clin.trial. индекс репликации (marinchic12081979)
coal. индекс Рога (MichaelBurov); показатель Рога (MichaelBurov); индекс спекаемости угля (MichaelBurov); спекаемость угля (MichaelBurov); степень спекаемости угля (MichaelBurov)
el. устройство
geophys. параметр насыщения (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, IT целостность по ссылке (referential integrity)
Gruzovik, mil. радиоразведка (radio intelligence); радиоперехват (radio intelligence)
Gruzovik, signall. индикатор вызова (ring indicator); индикатор звонка (ring indicator)
med. реографический индекс (rheographic index eugeene1979)
oil Отчёт об исследованиях (издание Горного бюро США)
product. маршрутное поручение (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. обратная интеграция (Reverse integration (RI) occurs when you merge code from a child branch up to the parent branch. Alex_Odeychuk)
stat. РИ (iwona)
tech. индекс стабильности Ризнара (Ryznar Stability Index, RSI (значение индекса стабильности Ризнара показывает, склонна ли вода к коррозии, стабильна или склонна к образованию накипи Jannywolf)
ri n
gen. ри (деревня wikipedia.org ABelonogov)
chinese.lang. жи (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
RI abbr.
abbr. РИ (сокр. Республика Индия; abbr. Republic of India mindim2000)
el. управляющий сигнал интерфейса RS-232C
RIS abbr.
comp., MS служба удалённой установки (Remote Installation Services bojana); служба RIS (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
Gruzovik, scient. роботизированная система контроля (robotic inspection system)
nucl.pow. ХРИ (Boris54); хранилище радиоактивных изотопов (Boris54)
oil система сбора, обработки и хранения данных о надёжности (reliability information system)
progr. информационная система записи (ssn)
 English thesaurus
RI abbr.
abbr., insur. reinsurance (Julchonok)
RIS abbr.
abbr., avia. radar instrumentation system; real information system; rivet in shear
abbr., el. random interleaved sampling; reactive ion sputtering; recorded information service; record input subroutine; remote information system; remote instruction system; remote intelligent sensor; retransmission identification signal; rigid-ion structure model
abbr., magn.tomogr. radiologically isolated syndrome (VasDoc)
abbr., med. radioimmunoscintigraphy
abbr., mil. reconnaissance information system
RI abbr.
abbr. radio inertial; Refractory Institute; Ring Index No.
abbr., avia. remove item; replacement item
abbr., commer. Registro Italiano Navale
abbr., desert. ripple index, ripple indices
abbr., earth.sc. radar indicator; radar interferometry; rapid infiltration; ring infiltrometer; roga's indices; rotational irrigation
abbr., footb. inside right
abbr., IT remote information
abbr., met. rolling index
abbr., oil radioactive isotope; radioisotope indicator; reflective index; reflective insulation; refractory index; Registro Italiano; resistivity of invaded zone; retention index; ripple index
abbr., physiol. resistance index (Баян)
abbr., pulm. respiratory insufficiency (igisheva)
abbr., space Rockwell International
RIS abbr.
abbr. Regional Innovation And Strategy; Regional Innovation Strategies; Regional Innovation Strategy; Registration Information Sheet; Relocation Information Services; Retail Information System; RADIAC instrument system; Receipt Inspection Segment; Ricky Is Sexy; Royal Imperial Society; reduced instruction set; requirements planning and inventory control system; Research Information Service
abbr., astronaut. Regional Information Service (ESCAP)
abbr., austral. Regulation Impact Statement
abbr., avia. Rishiri, Japan; infectious substances (обозначение ИАТА ЛисаА); reliability information station
abbr., chromat. Removable Ion Source (harser)
abbr., commer. report of damage or improper shipment
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Installation Service
abbr., earth.sc. relational interface system; Research Institute of Seismology (China); Rhode Island Sound
abbr., ed., scient. Research Information System; Ruamrudee International School
abbr., el. rectangular bulb, in-line gun, slotted mask
abbr., environ. Regulatory Impact Statement
abbr., geol., scient. Reservoir Induced Seismicity
abbr., IT Remote Installation Server
abbr., Makarov. resistor-insulator-semiconductor
abbr., med. Radiology Information System
abbr., nautic., scient. River Information Services
abbr., office.equip. Raster Input Scanner (translator911)
abbr., oil reliability information system; revolution indicating system; rock information system; rotary interrupter switch
abbr., oncol., med. Radiological Information System
abbr., physiol., med. Resistance, Immunity, Susceptibility
abbr., polym. rotation isomeric state
abbr., progr. record information system (ssn)
abbr., radio rectangular cone, in-line gun, shadow mask (tube); rectangular cone, in-line gun, slotted mask (tube)
abbr., scottish Radar Information Service; Rail Interface System; Range Instrumentation System; Reconnaissance Interface System; Reparto Informazioni e Sicurezza (Italian military operational intelligence organisation)
abbr., space range instrumentation ships; retroreflector in space
abbr., tel. Real-time information server (Yakov)
abbr., tradem. Radiology Information Systems; Reliable Internet Systems; Reprographic Imaging Services
mil. range information system; range instrumentation station; receiving inspection segment; regulatory information system; reports identification symbol; retail inventory system; rotating image scanner
O&G refinery information system
tech. range instrumentation ship; reporting identification symbol; reservoir-induced seismicity; resistive gate-insulator-semiconductor; resonance ionization spectroscopy
: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil and gas technology1
Weapons of mass destruction1