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Quick viewsstresses
comp., MS выборки (The group label for the links that provide one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, such as flagged, containing photos, and from social networking services)
quick view
comp., MS выборка (A view that provides one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, which include: flagged (messages that the customer has designated as requiring follow-up), photos (messages that contain photos), and social updates (messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook))
math. быстрый просмотр
media. быстрый просмотр (кнопка на пульте дистанционного управления телевизора, позволяет переключать любые 2 канала)
Quick View
media. режим быстрого просмотра файлов
 English thesaurus
Quick View
comp., abbr. QV
Quick views
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Information technology1