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PVS abbr.stresses
agric. S-вирус картофеля (ALAB)
Gruzovik, polit. поствьетнамский синдром (post-Vietnam syndrom); комплекс побеждённых (post-Vietnam syndrom); послевоенный комплекс (post-Vietnam syndrom)
mil. пассивная система ночного видения (Passive Vision Sight (military night vision system) WiseSnake); ПСНВ (WiseSnake); пассивный (ночной) прицел (с усилением изображения цели WiseSnake)
tech. поливинилсилоксан (tha7rgk)
WTO частные необязательные стандарты (private voluntary standards Hot-Ice)
pvs abbr.
med. вегетативное состояние (persistent vegetative state djamanoya)
 English thesaurus
PV abbr.
abbr., adv. potential viewer
abbr., auto. penetrometer viscosity; partial vacuum; photovoltaic cell
abbr., avia. process validation
abbr., el. parameter value; path verification; peak-to-valley (value); persistence of vision; personal video; photovoltage; protocol version; PWM value
abbr., expl. pressure-volume
abbr., med. parainfluenza virus; paraventricular; peripheral vascular; polyoma-virus; postvasectomy
abbr., mil., avia. payload vehicle
pv abbr.
abbr. convection current; paravane
Pv abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. perovskite
Pv. abbr.
abbr. pipe-ventilated
PVS abbr.
abbr. postal vehicle service; Physical Volcanology Section; Possible Visibility Set; Post-Vietnam Syndrome; Power Vent Surface; Principle Variation Search; phenyl vinyl sulfide; polyvinylsulfonic acid
abbr., auto. ported vacuum switch; power valve system
abbr., avia. pilot's vision system
abbr., bank. PIN Verification Service (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., BrE Principal Veterinary Surgeon
abbr., el. personal video system; photovoltage spectroscopy; polycyclic vector scheduling; precision voltage source; pressure vacuum system; programmable voice synthesizer; program validation service
abbr., file.ext. Parallel Visualization Server
abbr., IT Potentially Visible Sets; Prototype Verification System; Power Visualization System
abbr., med. Persistent Viral Syndrome; Plummer-Vinson Syndrome; Poliovirus Susceptibility; Pulmonary Valvular Stenosis; Pulmonary Venous Systolic; permanent vegetative state (markovka); pulmonary vein stenosis
abbr., mil., avia. panoramic vision system
abbr., oil plan-view sizes; polyvinyl sulfonate
abbr., opt. programmable vision systems
abbr., physiol., med. Persistent Vegetative State; Post Viral Syndrome
abbr., polit. Performance, Vision and Strategy
abbr., post Postal Vehicle Service
abbr., railw. Pecos Valley Southern Railway Company
abbr., scottish Pilot visual sub-system
abbr., tech. Photovoltaic System (Vosoni)
abbr., tradem. Passport And Visa Specialists
abbr., transp. Piston Valve Shock
abbr., vet.med. Performance of Veterinary Services (Yuriy83)
abbr., vet.med., med. Pig Veterinary Society
mil. panoramic vision system; performance verification system; portable vision system
tech. plant vent stack; post boost vehicle signature; pressure vessel simulation
: 32 phrases in 8 subjects
Automated equipment2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Road construction1
Solar power1
Textile industry1