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PHIS nstresses
geophys. относительная пористость по акустическому каротажу (sonic porosity Alexander Dolgopolsky)
PHI [faɪ] abbr.
abbr. персональные данные о состоянии здоровья (Personal health information Vicomte)
agric. интервал времени от последней обработки до сбора урожая (pre-harvest interval Марксист2)
agrochem. интервал до сбора урожая (Maxat Kenjebayev)
geophys. пористость (vbadalov)
med. ЗМИ (protected health information traductrice-russe.com)
mus. Прогрессивная гармоническая визуализация (Progressive Harmonic Imaging eugeene1979)
O&G индикатор состояния насоса (ИСН Челпаченко Артём)
yacht. Филиппины (Обозначения на парусах)
phi [faɪ] n
gen. фи (a logarithmic unit used to measure grain sizes for sand, grit, and gravel. The 0 point of the scale is a grain size of 1 millimeter, and each increase of 1 in the phi number corresponds to a decrease in grain size by a factor of 1/2. Thus 1 phi unit is a grain size of 0.5 mm, 2 phi units is 0.25 mm, and so on; in the other direction, -1 phi unit corresponds to a grain size of 2 mm and -2 phi units to a size of 4 mm Alexander Demidov)
el. фи (буква греческого алфавита, Φ ϕ, φ)
greek.lang. фи (21-я буква греческого алфавита)
relig. пхи; нат
PhI [faɪ] n
pharm. Фотоионизация (photoionization; Метод анализа kOzerOg)
 English thesaurus
PHIS abbr.
abbr., med. Pediatric Health Information System (Rada0414)
PHI [faɪ] abbr.
abbr. People Have Information; Permanent Health Insurance; Private Health Insurance; Public Health Institute; position and homing indicator
abbr., avia. Pinheiro, Ma, Brazil; position and heading indicator; protocol handling input stream; packet handling interface; bank angle; position homing indicator
abbr., chem. phosphohexose isomerase
abbr., commun. Packet Handler Interface
abbr., earth.sc. passive hail indicator
abbr., el. parallel host interface; peripheral HP-IB interface chip
abbr., footb. Philadelphia Eagles
abbr., med. Intracellular Hydrogen Ion Concentration; Intramucosal Hydrogen Ion Concentration; Patient-assessed Health Instruments; Packard Humanities Institute; Personal Health Information; Patient Healthcare Information (harser); penetrating head injury; peptide histidile isoleucine; phosphohexosa isomerase; Public Health Inspector; prostate health index (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., mil., avia. Petroleum Helicopter Incorporated
abbr., mus. Progressive Harmonic Imaging (eugeene1979)
abbr., oil Petroleum Helicopters Inc.
abbr., pest.contr. pre-harvest interval
abbr., physiol., med. Physically Health Impaired; Private Health Information
abbr., scottish Position & Heading or Homing Indicator
abbr., sec.sys., IT Protected Health Information
abbr., space photonic hit indicator
abbr., st.exch. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
insur. permanent health insurance
phi [faɪ] abbr.
abbr. philosophy
abbr., avia. N nominal bank angle
Phi [faɪ] abbr.
abbr. phenyl iodide
pHI [faɪ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. power of hydrogen indictor pH
abbr., oil ph indicator
Phi [faɪ] n
lat., abbr. P
: 54 phrases in 21 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Energy system3
High energy physics4
Information security and data protection3
Mass media2
Measuring instruments1