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PHD nstresses
econ. Прогресс, Гармония и Развитие (PHD Chamber of Industry ad Commerce; PHD – Progress, Harmony and Development google.com) dennise)
Gruzovik, econ. на каждый люк в день (per hatch per day)
med. ПГД (программный гемодиализ; program hemodialysis Vladimir Shevchuk)
PhD n
gen. докторская диссертация (встречается и такой вариант: I am working on my PhD in Scottish literature. – пишу диссертацию  ART Vancouver)
 English thesaurus
PHD abbr.
abbr. Patent Application Information Retrieval; Patented Hosel Design; Permanent Head Damage; Piled High And Deep; Piled Higher & Deeper; Pizza Home Delivery; Playa Hata's Degree; Please Hire Desperate; Poor Hungry And Determined; Post Hole Digger; Power Hungry Dog; Professional Hair Dresser; Push Here, Dummy; Partial Head Damage; Particularly Hard Dancing; Perky Happy Disciple; Persistently And Habitually Dumb; Phase History Data; Physical Health Defined; Pimp Coalition of Doom; Piss Heads Dilemma; Pompous Head Dick; Pot Hole Dodger; Premium Hot Dog; Pretty Handsome Darling; Pretty Handsome Domestic; Pretty High Dude; Pretty Hokey Dialogue; Pretty Horny Dog; Pretty Huge Dick; Pursuing Hot Damsels; Purveyor Of Hyped Drivel
abbr., avia. pilot horizontal display
abbr., clin.trial. prolyl hydroxylase (coltuclu)
abbr., earth.sc. palingenetic hydrothermal deposits; pulse height discrimination
abbr., ed. Pretty Hard To Do; Programs For Human Development; Progress Harmony And Development
abbr., ed., scient. Playa Hatin Degree
abbr., el. parallel head disk; phase-shift driver; physical layer medium dependent
abbr., el., scient. Press Here, Dummy
abbr., hindi PHD Chamber of Industry ad Commerce (dennise)
abbr., inet. Permanently Head Damaged
abbr., IT Professional Hardware Diagnostics
abbr., med. Public Health Department (Juliafranchuk); post-impact head deceleration (robino); program hemodialysis (программный гемодиализ (ПГД Vladimir Shevchuk)
abbr., mil. Port Hueneme Division
abbr., mil., air.def. pure harassment drone
abbr., mil., avia. Doctor of Philosophy
abbr., mil., WMD public highway distance
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. process handling data
abbr., oil pulse height detection
abbr., opt. pulse height distribution
abbr., physiol. Permanent Health Damage; Potentially Heavy Drinker
abbr., physiol., med. Personal Health Diary
abbr., progr. physical device (ssn)
abbr., radio pulse-height discrimination
abbr., railw. Port Huron and Detroit Railroad Company
abbr., scient. Philosophiae Doctor
abbr., space pulse height discriminator
abbr., tradem. Pizza Hut Delivery
comp., abbr. professional hardware diagnostics
mil., abbr. phase history data
O&G process history database
physiol., abbr. physical health defined; personal health diary
prof.jarg., abbr. professional hairdresser
PhD n
gen. 123 (Зубцов); Philosophy Doctor (ученая степень Зубцов)
abbr., earth.sc. photoplate detection
abbr., el. photoelectron diffraction (effect)
abbr., med. Doctor of Philosophy; Philosophic Doctor
phd n
insur. Per hatch/per day
: 66 phrases in 11 subjects
Foreign trade1
Health care1
Oil / petroleum1