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PERL nstresses
comp. язык практичного извлечения и отчётов (scripting language); язык ПЕРЛ (scripting language)
Perl n
Gruzovik, progr. язык практичного извлечения и отчётов (Practical Extraction and Report Language); Перл (Practical Extraction and Report Language)
perl n
adv. шрифт 5 пт
 English thesaurus
PERL abbr.
abbr., automat. precision engineering research lathe
abbr., el. passivated emitter, rear locally diffused cell; plasma etched redistribution layer; Perkin-Elmer robot language; practical epitome and report language
abbr., inet. Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
abbr., IT Practical Extraction and Report Language; practical extraction and report language (Bricker)
abbr., med. Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive To Light; Physical Education Running Lads; Protein Expression And Recovery Labs; pupils equal and react to light; Pupils equal and reactive to light
abbr., mil. Passivated Emitter Rear Locally; Pre-positioned Equipment Requirement List; Preliminary Equipment Requirement List
abbr., physiol. Pupils Equally Responsive to Light
abbr., physiol., med. Pupils Equally Responsive To Light
abbr., telecom. practical extraction and reporting language
Perl n
mil. Practical extraction & report language (Internet scripting language)
PERLS abbr.
abbr., securit. principal exchange-rate-linked securities
: 14 phrases in 9 subjects
Automated equipment1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Information technology1
Oil and gas1
Silicate industry1