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PCS abbr.stresses
gen. программа паллиативного лечения (Millie)
automat. СУТП (Тенгиз Aleks_Teri)
comp., net. спецификация видеоконференцсвязи между ПК; персональная система связи; службы персональных коммуникаций; персональная радиокоммуникационная система; обслуживание личной связи; персональный сервер связи
el. служба персональной связи; разработанная Федеральной комиссией связи США концепция развития службы персональной связи; концепция PCS
IT Служба персональной связи (см. Personal Communications Services ssn); спецификация видеоконференц-связи между персональными компьютерами
logist. системы информационного обслуживания порта (Port Community System (PCS) locosmo)
math. вероятность правильного выбора (probability of correct selection)
med. потенциально клинически значимый (potentially clinically significant (о патологических отклонениях) ННатальЯ); Синдром прекардиального ущемления (Precordial Catch Syndrome Aspect)
mil. перевод на новое постоянное место службы; посты, лагеря и базы (подразделение тыловой службы армии США, занимающееся снабжением частей за границей Ying)
nano Фотокорреляционная спектроскопия (motogirl)
nautic. надбавка в связи с перегрузкой контейнерных площадей порта (Port Congestion Surcharge Ying)
O&G защитная капсула реактора (pressure containment shell – In addition to heat preservation and safety reservation, PCS plays the role of steam drum for FTR rakhmat); система управления технологическим процессом (MichaelBurov); автоматическая система управления технологическим процессом (MichaelBurov); АСУТП (MichaelBurov)
progr. программируемый код безопасности (JuliaR)
SAP. схема расчёта зарплаты
spectr. ФКС (фотонная корреляционная спектроскопия – эквивалентная аббревиатура на русском языке Min$draV)
sport. общая оценка за компоненты программы (kee46)
tech. система управления процессом (Process control system (из инструкции к трансмиттеру Cerabar) Malenkova_Kate)
telecom. система персональной подвижной связи; Система персональной мобильной связи (Georgy Moiseenko)
pcs abbr.
gen. шт (freelance_trans); штук (сокращ. от pieces) обычно о товаре (в счетах, накладных, ведомостях и т.д.) 4uzhoj)
pcs. abbr.
gen. штуки (MaMn)
 English thesaurus
PCs abbr.
abbr. Primary Coolant System; penal codes (igisheva)
abbr., securit. participation certificate
med. plasma cells (paseal)
pharm. Pharmacopoeial Cooperation scheme (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
PCS abbr.
abbr. personal conference specification; physical coding sublayer; precedence charting system; Pieces; Poor Customer Service; Premium Customer Service; Price Computing Scale; Professional Clinical Services; Pancreatic Cancer Symposium; Particulate Control Symposium; Passive Cross Section; Permanent Control Security; Perpetually Crappy Service; Personal Comfort System; Personnel Communication System; Picos, PI, Brazil; Piece Of Crap Service; Piece Of Cunt Shit; position, course, speed; Pot Cars Sex; Power Conversion System; Predefined Command Sequence; Pretty Crappy Service; Pretty Crappy Signal; Primary Control Station; Procurement Costing Software; Productive Comprehensive And Simple; Programmable Communications Subsystem; Promoting Competitive Service; Publication Control Sheet
abbr., auto. pressure control solenoid; power conversion subsystem; powertrain control solenoid; pre-crash security; prefer ash system; purge control solenoid
abbr., avia. phase controlled system; plan control sheet; planning coordination sheet; positing, course, speed; power and cooling system; power control system; print contrast scale; producibility cost study; product configuration specifications; production control service; production control source; production control support; production coordination sheet; propulsion control system; Propulsion Control System (ВосьМой)
abbr., avia., med. preconscious
abbr., busin. Postal Censorship Station; punch card system; Punched Card System
abbr., comp., net. personal communication server; Personal Conferencing Specification
abbr., comp.name. Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore; Petroleum Corp, of Singapore Pte. Ltd.
abbr., corp.gov. post-contract customer support (EZrider)
abbr., earth.sc. photon-correlation spectroscopy; photon-counting statistics; Pollution Control Systems, Inc.; Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan; pressure core sampler
abbr., econ. purchasing cost standard
abbr., ed. Professional Children's School
abbr., el. plastic-clad silica (fiber); production control system; paging card system; partial carrier suppression; particle counting system; performance collection software; performance control system; peripheral control switch; personal communications satellite; personal communications server; personal computer system; personal computing system; personal conference standard; phase-coded signal; phase compensation system; phase-conjugated surface; phase-controlled system; photoconductivity spectroscopy; photocurrent spectroscopy; photoformed ceramic substrate (technology); photon communications system; physical control system; plesiochronous connection supervision; point contact spectroscopy; pollution control system; portable communications server; port control system; precision cleaning system; precision current source; printed circuit substrate; priority control sequence; probability of correct selection; prober control software; process communication supervisor; professional capture system; program checkout subsystem; program control system; programmed control sequencer; protocol conversion screening; punched card system
abbr., electr.eng. Power Command Supervisor (Julchonok); power conditioning system
abbr., electric. pole changing switch
abbr., file.ext. Animated PICTs (Macintosh); Microsoft PowerPoint picture package (MS PowerPoint, MS Clipart Gallery Vosoni); Patchable Control Store; Personal Communication Services/System; Picture package (MS PowerPoint - MS ClipArt Gallery); Print Contrast Signal; Print Contrast System; Process Control Systems; Program Counter Store; Project Control System
abbr., fin. preferred capital stock; provisional clearing statement
abbr., HF.electr. personal communications service
abbr., inet. Poor Cellular Service; Pretty Cool Summer
abbr., IT Personal Communication Service; Personal Communication Services; Personal Communication System; Personal Computer Service; Plastic-clad silica; Portable Character Set; Process Control System
abbr., logist. port congestion surcharge (Yuriy83)
abbr., manag. preliminary control schedule
abbr., market. perceived community–brand similarity (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome; Pharmacogenic Confusional Syndrome; Post-cardiac Surgery; Postcardiotomy Syndrome; Postcholecystectomy Syndrome; Postconcussion Syndrome; Primary Cancer Site; Prolonged Crush Syndrome; Promotion Of Chemical Safety (WHO); Prescription Card Services; pelvic congestion syndrome (harser); Physical Health Component summary (ННатальЯ); pinhole collimator scintigraphy (harser); potentially clinically significant (ННатальЯ); physical component score; post-concussive syndrome; Precordial Catch Syndrome (Синдром прекардиального ущемления Aspect); pneumatic control system
abbr., mil. Permanent Change of Station; Personal Communications Services; Physical Component Summary; Portable Communication System; Post, Camp, or Station; Procured Component Software; Pocket Computer System; personal communications system; processing subsystem; processor controlled strapping
abbr., mil., astronaut. passive communications satellite
abbr., nano Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (motogirl)
abbr., O&G Process Control System (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. Pre-Construction Survey (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. project computer specialist
abbr., O&G, sakh. Project Completion System
abbr., oil partial chemical shifts; plane cross stratified; polymer-conformance system; position, course and speed; pump control sensor; project contracting strategy
abbr., post Pieces (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., progr. programmable security code (JuliaR)
abbr., qual.cont. process control specification
abbr., scottish Performance Command System; Personal Communications System; Portable Control Station; Postal & Courier Service (British Army)
abbr., space payload control system; pitch control system; personal communication satellite
abbr., stat. personal communications services
abbr., supercond. persistent current switch
abbr., textile fiber polycarbosilane fiber
abbr., transp. Poker Championship Series
abbr., yacht. Performance Curve Scoring
energ.ind. parallel condensation system; particulate control system; pipe crack study; pollution control systems; position control system; pre-competitive stage; primary confinement system; pulse combustor system; pulverized coal separators
mil. Pacific command ship; parts control system; parts, components, subassemblies; passive communications satellite; permanent change of station; personal cipher system; personnel change of station; planning control sheet; plausible conflict situation; pointing control system; pontoon causeway system; portable communications system; position, course, and speed; preliminary component specification; primary calibration system; primary control ship; probability of crew survival; project coordination staff; property control system; pyrotechnics circuit simulator; Submarine Chaser
NYSE., st.exch. Sprint Corporation
tech. passive containment system; payload checkout system; plant computer system; plant control system; Pockels cell shutter; pressure control system; process computer system; process control sheet
pcs abbr.
abbr., avia. package; prices
abbr., busin. packages
O&G pieces; static casing pressure
pcs. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pieces
insur. Packages
mil., WMD pieces (number of objects)
: 15 phrases in 10 subjects
Cables and cable production1
Information technology1
Mass media2