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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
ord nstresses
math. порядок (order)
obs. край; точка; начало
Ord n
geochron. ордовикский (MichaelBurov)
ord. n
SAP.tech. заказ
Ord adj.
stratigr. ордовикский (MichaelBurov)
order ['ɔ:də] adj.
gen. постановления; меры; способы; средства; попечения; заботы
ORD abbr.
mil., commer. Operational Requirements Document (Obsolete, см. CDD Capability Development Document and CPD (Capability Production Document)
O&G срок эксплуатационной готовности (operational ready date)
 English thesaurus
ORD abbr.
abbr. Office Of Research And Development; Order; Office of the Chief of Ordnance; Operating and Research Department; Operational Ready Date; ordnance
abbr., amer. overdose reversal dru (medication that can revive opioid addicts from an overdose Val_Ships); overdose reversal drug (medication that can revive opioid addicts from an overdose Val_Ships)
abbr., auto. onboard reductant delivery
abbr., avia. O' Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois USA; indication of an order; operational ready dater; operational operations requirements document; orbital requirements document
abbr., chem. rotatory dispersion
abbr., el. overlay region disparity; oxidation retarded diffusion; oxide-reduction diffusion method
abbr., IT Object Relation Diagram
abbr., med. Office Of Rare Diseases. National Institutes Of Health
abbr., mil. Operational Requirements Document; Ordnance
abbr., nautic. Chicago O'Hare inti Apt., U.S.A.
abbr., O&G, sakh. MWD optimized rotational density
abbr., opt. optical rotary dispersion
abbr., polym. optical rotatory dispersion
abbr., scottish Operational Requirement Document; Ordinary Seaman (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., transp. Chicago O'Hare International Airport; Operational Readiness Date; Operational Readiness Demonstration
mil. office of research and development; operationally ready date; operations requirements document; overseas replacement deport
tech. optical reference device
ord abbr.
abbr. orderly; ordinance
abbr., econ. order>>²
gram. ordinal
nautic. order
polym. ordinary
relig. ordained
Ord n
econ. ordinary share (dimock)
geol. Ordovician (geol. MichaelBurov); Ordovician (MichaelBurov); Ordovician (геол. MichaelBurov)
O&G Ordovician
ord. abbr.
abbr. ordinance; ordinary; ordinate
met. order
Ord. abbr.
abbr. ordnance
lat. Ordinarius ("ordinary"); Ordinatio ("ordination"); Ordo (Order)
ORDS abbr.
abbr., avia. online rejection disposition system
abbr., mil., avia. observation requirement data select
ORD abbr.
abbr. Ordnance Department
abbr., chem. once-run distillate
abbr., earth.sc. oceanic research division
abbr., oil owner's risk of damage
abbr., space observed range deviation; optical radiation detector; orbital refueling demonstration
ORD: 45 phrases in 11 subjects
Information technology1
SAP finance1
SAP tech.1
Textile industry1