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OFC abbr.stresses
abbr. глазнично-лобная кора (от orbitofrontal cortex shergilov)
ofc n
nautic. оф (сокр. от оффис Alexander Demidov)
OFC abbr.
comp., net. волоконно-оптический кабель; коммуникации по волоконно-оптической линии связи; волоконно-оптическая связь
nucl.pow. ОЯЦ (MichaelBurov); открытый топливный цикл (MichaelBurov); открытый ядерный топливный цикл (MichaelBurov); ОЯТЦ (MichaelBurov)
O&G, casp. кислородно-топливная газовая резка (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil.proc. не показан для ясности (omitted for clarity – на чертежах Skipirich)
pediatr. затылочно-лобная окружность (occipital frontal circumference Ying)
tech. бескислородная медь (oxygen free copper atrox)
ofc abbr.
abbr. канцелярия; офис
 English thesaurus
OFC abbr.
abbr., adv. outside front cover
abbr., avia. oil filled condenser
abbr., el. office code; on-line file corrector; optical fiber cavity; optical fiber channel; optical fiber connector; optical frequency control; orthonormal function coding; oxygen-free copper; on/off counter
abbr., fin. offshore financial center
abbr., med., lat. osteitis fibrosa cystica
abbr., nucl.pow. open fuel cycle (MichaelBurov); open nuclear fuel cycle (MichaelBurov)
Ofc. abbr.
abbr. office; official
OFC abbr.
abbr. Offshore Financial Center; Open Financial Connectivity; Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition; Oxygen Free Copper; Corporate Office Propertys Trust; Oceanography and Fisheries Committee; office; Omni Flow Computers, Inc.; Operation First Class; Organization For Combat; Oro- Facial Concentration; Oxide Fuel Complex; Overflowing Cylinder (iwona); Occipito-frontal circumference (Andreev); Open-ended Fund Company (wikipedia.org Elena_Lychagina)
abbr., automat. oxy-fuel gas cutting
abbr., busin. official
abbr., comp., net. optical fiber cable; optical fiber communication
abbr., comp., net., IT Optical Fiber Communication
abbr., ed. Ohio Faculty Council
abbr., el., scient. Oxygen Free Cable
abbr., exc.supp. occipital-frontal circumference (igisheva)
abbr., inet. OF Course
abbr., med. oral food challenge (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., media. Original Female Character
abbr., mil. Office
abbr., mil., WMD organophosphorus compound
abbr., monk. Oregon Fishing Club
abbr., oil oil free compressor; orifice fill-up collar; orifice float collar; overflow capacity
abbr., oil.proc. Oilfield Chemicals (iwona)
abbr., physiol., med. Orbito-Frontal Cortex
abbr., radio, scient. Old Farts Clan; Old Farts Club
abbr., sec.sys., IT Optical Fiber Communications
abbr., space operational flight control
abbr., sport. Oceania Football Confederation; Ontario Fitness Council
abbr., st.exch. Corporate Office Properties Trust
abbr., telecom. off-net call
energ.ind. oil-filled cable; oil-filled capacitor
mater.sc. oxyfuel gas cutting
mil. optical fiber communications; overhead foxhole cover
tech. optical frequency conversion
ofc abbr.
abbr. officer
: 9 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund2
Mass media1