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OCC abbr.stresses
avia. центр управления полётами (ЦУП _Infinity)
bank. Опционная клиринговая корпорация (США; Options Clearing Corporation); Управление контролёра денежного обращения (министерство финансов США; Office of Comptroller of the Currency)
cables оптический кросс-коннект (MichaelBurov)
econ. ОКК
industr. группы качества (Quality Control Circle); кружки качества (Quality Control Circle)
med. комплекс ооцит-кумулус (oocyte-cumulus complex denikoboroda)
O&G ГЦУ (MichaelBurov); Главный центр управления (MichaelBurov)
oil.proc. о, Р и МОП; операторы, рабочие и младший офисный персонал (MichaelBurov); операторы, специалисты и клерки (MichaelBurov); работники О, Р и МОП (MichaelBurov)
org.name. Управление общеорганизационных коммуникаций
waste.man. старый гофрокартон (MichaelBurov); старый гофрированный картон (MichaelBurov); гофрокартон (MichaelBurov); старый контейнер из гофрокартона (MichaelBurov); отработанный контейнер из гофрокартона (MichaelBurov); старая коробка из гофрокартона (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
OCC abbr.
abbr. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Old Corrugated Cardboard; Option Clearing Corporation; Orange County Choppers; Organic Commodity Commission; Other Charges And Credits; occupy; Oceanic Control Centers; Office of Comptroller of the Currency; Oklahoma Corporation Commission; Operation Control Centre (Ася Кудрявцева); Other Common Carrier; Other Common Carriers; Options Clearing Corporation (Alexander Matytsin); option clearing Co.
abbr., auto. output circuit check (Ford)
abbr., avia. obstacle clearance circle; optical cable connector; outer communication channel; outer communication control; orthogonal convolutional code; ozone catalytic converter
abbr., BrE officer commanding, camp
abbr., cables optical cross connect (MichaelBurov); optical cross-connect (MichaelBurov); OXC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. oil consuming country
abbr., comp. operations control centre
abbr., comp.name. Old Corrugated Containers (Savva Gersht)
abbr., earth.sc. Oman Chromite Co.; organic carbon content
abbr., ed. Oakland Community College
abbr., ed., scient. Oakland County College; Ocean County College; Onondaga Community College
abbr., el. object code compatibility; occupied circuit; office communications cabinet; OLE customer control; omnibus cue circuit; on-board central control; open collector condition; optical chip carrier; optical chirp carrier; optical color comparator; optical communications circuit; organic coated copper (board); output coupling curve
abbr., inet. Out Of Character Comment
abbr., IT Object Class Cardinality; Objectoriented Compiler Construction; Obscure Canon Character; operator control command; Open Cooperative Computing
abbr., Makarov. occulting; operation control center
abbr., med. Oculocerebrocutaneous (syndrome)
abbr., media. Original Character Creation
abbr., mil. Operational Capabilities Concept; Operations Computer Center (USCG)
abbr., mil., air.def. operational contingency constraint
abbr., mil., avia. occasion
abbr., O&G Operations Control Center (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G. tech. Oil Construction Company (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., oil oil cut cushion; International Offshore Craft Conference; Occidental Chemical Corp.; Ocean Cable Company; Ocean Coordinate Committee; Offshore Operators Committee; oil consuming countries; operating characteristic curve; operational control console; operations coordination center; operations operational control center; organic carbon cycle
abbr., oil.proc. O,C&C employees (MichaelBurov); Operator, Craft and Clerical (MichaelBurov); Operator, Craft and Clerical employees (MichaelBurov); Operator, Craft and Clerical Personnel (MichaelBurov); O,C&C (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Bureau de la communication de l'Organisation; Ufficio per la comunicazione istituzionale; Ufficio per la comunicazione istituzionale
abbr., physiol., med. Occasionally; Occiput; Occupation
abbr., polym. open circuit characteristic; operational control center
abbr., relig. Oswaldtwisle Community Church
abbr., scottish Obus a Charge Creuse (Shaped charge shell (France)); Operational Control Centre; Operator Control Console
abbr., sport. One City Challenge
abbr., st.exch. Options Clearing Corporation
abbr., tech. Coast Guard Operations Computer Center
abbr., transp. Operations Control Center
abbr., waste.man. old corrugated cardboard (MichaelBurov); old corrugated container (MichaelBurov)
meteorol. occasional (ly); occulting light; the line is engaged
mil. object class code; occupation; oceanic control center; officer correspondence course; officers' chief cook; operations control center; operations control console
tech. occupied; open-circuit characteristic; operational computer complex; optical-color comparator
occ. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. occasional
abbr., med. occupation
Occ abbr.
hotels Occupancy (Загрузка гостиницы Alexander Oshis)
insur. occurrence
occ abbr.
O&G occasional; occasionally
Occ. abbr.
abbr. occulting light
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Name of organization1
Waste management1