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National Bureau of Standardstresses
O&G, tengiz. Национальное Бюро Стандартов
National Bureau of Standards
econ. Национальное бюро стандартов (Министерства торговли США)
 English thesaurus
National Bureau of Standards
abbr., file.ext. NBS
abbr., qual.cont. N.B.S.
abbr., refrig. BS
abbr., scottish NBS (USA)
abbr., USA NBS (renamed NIST)
el., abbr. NBS (now National Institute of Standards and Technology)
IT, abbr. NBS (organization, Vorlaeufer, NIST); NBS (renamed NIST, US Government)
telecom., abbr. NBS (now NIST)
National Bureau of Standard: 1 phrase in 1 subject
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