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NRC abbr.stresses
abbr. Норвежский совет по делам беженцев (Дюнан)
archit. коэффициент шумопонижения (yevsey); коэффициент шумоподавления (yevsey)
dent.impl. Кондиционер NRC (Патентованный кондиционер, не требующий смывания. Жидкость со свойствами праймера, применяемая с Prime&Bond® NT для прямых реставраций из компомера. olga don)
dipl. Совет Россия–НАТО (yevsey); Совет Россия–НАТО (yevsey)
dril. Национальный научно-исследовательский совет (National Research Council); Национальный комитет стратегических ресурсов (National Resources Comittee; США)
econ. новая стоимость замены (MichaelBurov); стоимость обновления (MichaelBurov); стоимость обновления актива (MichaelBurov); оценка текущей стоимости замены актива аналогичным активом (MichaelBurov); новая восстановительная стоимость (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, mil. Комиссия по лицензированию и выработке стандартов в области ядерной энергии США (Nuclear Regulatory Commission); Национальный комитет ресурсов США (National Resources Committee)
med. внепочечный клиренс (nonrenal clearance; может использоваться в документации по клиническим исследованиям медицинских препаратов YanMar)
nucl.pow. КЯР (комиссия ядерного регулирования Iryna_mudra)
org.name. Отдел климата, энергетики и землевладения
polit. СРН (NATO-Russia Council – Совет Россия-НАТО colander)
 English thesaurus
NRC abbr.
abbr. National Recycling Coalition; National Registration Card; New Royal Calendar; No Regulatory Criteria; Not Really Competent; National Reconditioning Center; Natural Resources Committee (Alexander Demidov); Naval Recruiting Command; Naval Retraining Center; Noise Rating Curves; Non-Recurring Charges; Norwegian Refugee Council (Дюнан); Notch Root Contraction; Nuclear Research Council; Nuclear Safety Commission; Nuclear Safety Committee; Nuclear Safety Council; National Research Corp. (of Cambridge); National Resource Committee; National Rocket Club; Naval Radio Compass Station
abbr., alum. non-returnable container
abbr., anim.husb. National Academy of Science
abbr., avia. no record; Non Routine Card (ЕленаЛ); National Roster Centre; no required cost
abbr., commer. Nonrecurring Cost
abbr., earth.sc. National Referral Centre; Natural Resources Center; Natural Resources Council of America; neutron radiation capture
abbr., EBRD National Registry Company
abbr., econ. estimate of the current cost of replacing the asset with similar assets (MichaelBurov); new replacement cost (MichaelBurov); new replacement value (MichaelBurov); NRV (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. national response center; naval radio compass; network related control; network reliability coordinator; network routing center; network routing control; next-register-input clock (pulse); noise rating curve; non-radiative recombination center; non-recurring cost; Northern Radio Company
abbr., IT Network Reliability Center; No Right Click; Non-Recurring Charge; National Replacement Character
abbr., med. National Research Council (NAS); Normal Retinal Correspondence; Nurses For The Rights Of The Child; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Nutritional Research Committee; normal retinal correspondence; Netherlands Red Cross
abbr., mil. Naval Recruiting Center; Non-Unit-Related Cargo; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; non-unit-related cargo
abbr., mil., avia. NAS National Research Council - National Academy of Sciences
abbr., oil National Resources Committee; National Resources of Canada; Nido reef complex
abbr., org.name. Divisione clima, energia e ordinamento fondiario; Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy Division
abbr., polit. NATO Russian Council
abbr., radio noise-reduction coefficient
abbr., railw. Nigerian Railway Corporation
abbr., resin. non-rubber solids content (Павел Журавлев)
abbr., scottish Nuclear Reporting Cell
abbr., shipb. navigational raiding craft
abbr., sport. National Racquetball Club
abbr., tech. National Referral Center
abbr., transp. Noise Reduction Coefficient; Non-Reusable Container
mil. nuclear report center
nucl.pow. Nuclear regulatory comission
tech. naval radiological control
: 14 phrases in 6 subjects
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