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NR abbr.stresses
gen. без рейтинга (Not Rated linkin64)
avia. частота вращения несущего винта (Rotor speed KVS); частота оборотов несущего винта (на панели приборов вертолета Еврокоптер MadOx)
bank. без риска (no risk); нет рейтинга (указание на отсутствие официальной оценки качества ценных бумаг; not rated)
biochem. нитратредуктаза (turnanog)
chem. натуральный латекс (tania_mouse)
dril. без выхода циркуляции (no returns); катастрофическое поглощение (no returns)
math. количество (number)
O&G извещение о несоответствии техническим условиям (nonconformance report); не рекомендованный (not recommended); отсутствие циркуляции (no returns); неотражённые волны (no reflection events); срабатываемый полностью (о материалах, инструменте)
oil надёжность схемы (network reliability); невозвратный (non-return); невосстанавливаемый (nonrecoverable); затрачиваемый; полное поглощение; в последнее время ставка не рассчитывалась (No Recent Rate (обозначение в бюллетенях "Платтс") Ying)
org.name. Департамент управления природными ресурсами и охраны окружающей среды
polym. натуральный каучук (13.05)
NRАВ abbr.
amer. Национальный совет по урегулированию проблем ж.-д. транспорта (Aly19)
nr abbr.
dril. около (near); число (number); вблизи (near)
 English thesaurus
Nr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. number
Nr abbr.
abbr., oil Reynolds number
Nrs abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. narrows
NR abbr.
abbr. National Register; No Record; No Reserve; Non Resident; Not Recommended; Not Required; Named Route; Nancy Rowe; National Ranking; National Record; Nationally Registered; NATO restricted; Naval Reactors; Net Revenue; Network Resource; Never Received; New Republic; No Rain; No Recall; no record; No Resistance; No Rewind; noise reduction; Noise Removal; Nolan Ryan; Non Rehab; Non Reported; Non-Reactive; Non-Recurring; neutral red; NORAD Region; Not Ranked; not recommended; Not Rejected; Not Reliable; Not Remarkable; not required; Not Responsive; Not Rpg; nuclear reactor; Nuclear Regulator; Nutritional Requirements; Research Submarine (Nuclear); not refillable
abbr., acoust. noise rating
abbr., adv. next-to-reading matter; non-response
abbr., agric. nonreturn; nutritive ratio
abbr., auto. no retractor
abbr., avia. new release; nonconformity report; nose right; opposite part
abbr., biol. non-return; non-return rate
abbr., busin. no revenue; normal scope
abbr., chem. natural latex (tania_mouse)
abbr., chem., scient. Not Recorded
abbr., cinema Not Rated
abbr., earth.sc. natural reservoirs; neighborhood retract; neighbourhood retract; Nepali Rupee; net radiation; nitrate reducers; Northern Range
abbr., ecol. nitrate reductase
abbr., econ. no risks; no responsibility
abbr., el. negative resist; net requirement; network router; neutron radiography; non-radiative recombination; non-reproducing (code); non-reversible; non-rubbing; no ready; North American Rockwell Corp.; nuclear reaction; null reference; nonreactive
abbr., el., scient. Noise Reduction; Non-Redundant
abbr., electr.eng. network reduction
abbr., foreig.aff. Representatives not belonging to a political group of the Assembly
abbr., IT Number of Records; Number of Rows
abbr., lab.eq. no reaction
abbr., law Not Responsible
abbr., libr. non-repeatable
abbr., math., scient. Non-Random
abbr., med. Nerve Root; Neural Retina; neutralization reaction; nodal rhythm; no radiation
abbr., media. National Review; News Release
abbr., mil. No Requirement; Not Reported; nonrecoverable; number; Navy regulations; nonrecoverable Nr; North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO restricted
abbr., mil., air.def. normal resolution
abbr., multimed. negative response
abbr., O&G, sakh. non recommended
abbr., oil no recovery; no reflection events; no report; no returns; non-returnable; natural resources; navigation radar; net register; new rod; nitrile rubber; no selective re-entry; non-reversing; noncoherent rotation; nonregistered (stock); nonrotating; Norphlet; nose radius; not reported; notes receivable; nozzle recess
abbr., org.name. Dipartimento gestione delle risorse naturali e ambiente
abbr., physiol. Nutritional Requirement
abbr., physiol., med. No Reaction; No Response; Normal Range
abbr., polit. Nauru
abbr., polym. natural rubber
abbr., progr., IT Not Released
abbr., scottish Nuclear Reporting; Submersible research vehicle (USA)
abbr., securit. nonrefundable
abbr., space name register; noise radar; nonperiodical repair; nonredundant; normal radar
abbr., stat. Not Real (iwona); not reached (Niedre)
abbr., tech. normalising rolling; normalizing rolling
abbr., textile national revenue
energ.ind. narrow-range; non-filtrable residue; nuclear research
invest. no risk; not rated
mil. Nary regulations; naval rating; naval reserve; navigational radar; North region
O&G normal mode; normal status
tech. narrow range; narrow resonance; national radio; negative resistance; network redundancy; network reliability; no reflection; noise ratio; nonconformance report; nonlinear resistance; nonreturnable; nonreversible
tradem. Northrop
NR. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. no record
nr abbr.
abbr. near (Vosoni)
mil. number
nr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. near
abbr., tech. nummer
Nr abbr.
energ.ind. as-fired fuel nitrogen
: 23 phrases in 14 subjects
Mass media6
Name of organization1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Textile industry1