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NF abbr.stresses
bank. без покрытия (надпись на чеке; no funds)
busin. без покрытия (надпись на чеке, no funds)
chem. нанофильтрация (Karabas)
dril. естественный приток (natural flow); естественное течение (natural flow)
genet. число хромосомных плеч (один из основных количественных признаков кариотипа, равен диплоидному числу хромосом плюс число двуплечих хромосом (мета- и субметацентрических); иногда при определении Ч. х. п. двуплечими считают и субтелоцентрические хромосомы, применяя обозначение (NF) dimock)
GOST. УХЛ (климатическое исполнение изделий для умеренно-холодного климата по ГОСТ 15150-69 Sumin)
Gruzovik, econ. национальный продукт (national product)
med. nodular fasciitis – узелковый фасцит (Nikolay99)
nautic. невоспламеняющийся продукт (MichaelBurov)
nucl.phys. ядерная экспертиза (MichaelBurov)
O&G фонтанирование (natural flow)
oil естественный поток (natural flow); флуоресценция отсутствует (no fluorescence); флюид отсутствует (no fluid)
NF-κ abbr.
med. Транскрипционный фактор NF-κ (см. nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells olga don); B, ядерный фактор "каппа-би" (olga don)
nF abbr.
electr.eng. нанофарад (Ying)
 English thesaurus
NF abbr.
abbr. Nano Farad; National Forest; National Form; No Fun; Non Filled; North Forsyth; Northern Forest; Northern Frontier; Not Feasible; nanofarad; National fine (thread); National Formulation; near face; Newfoundland; Nice Fink; Nise Fucken; No Foreign Dissemination, NOFORN; Noble Fighters; Nonvisual Function; Norfolk Field Office; Normal Finite; nose fuse; nuclear fuel; No Funds
abbr., auto. narrow frequency band
abbr., automat. nonferrous
abbr., avia. American national fine; navigation function; no fireworks
abbr., cartogr. national forest
abbr., chem., scient. No Ferrite
abbr., commer. neuf franc; Normes Francaises
abbr., commun. network facility
abbr., dril. national fine thread
abbr., earth.sc. National Foundation; netlike flow; network flows; nitrogen fixation; number of false
abbr., el. narrow frequency-band; network function; Nobel Foundation; nominal frequency; nonfiltered; normal form; no telephone listed; not finished
abbr., el., scient. Noise Figure; Non Filtered
abbr., inet. Newbie Forums; No Filter; Nugget Finder
abbr., IT non first normal form
abbr., law No Find; Not Found
abbr., med. Nephritic Factor; Neurofibromatosis, Inc.; Nursing Facility; nonfunctioning (гормонально-неактивный Artemie); neutral fraction; nitrofurantoin; nonfunction (transplanted organ); Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis type 1; neuromatosis; neurofilament; necrotizing fasciitis; nodular fasciitis - узелковый фасцит (Nikolay99)
abbr., mil. night fighter; NOFORN; Noise Factor; Noise Frequency
abbr., nano nanocrystalline ferrite
abbr., nautic. NF product (MichaelBurov); non-flammable product (MichaelBurov); non-ferrous (Ying)
abbr., nucl.phys. nuclear forensics (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nurs. Nursing Foundation
abbr., O&G, sakh. fine thread; nut female
abbr., oil fast neutron log; natural flow; no flow; no fluorescence; American National Fine Thread; naturally fractured; negative feedback; nitrogen flooding; no fuel; noise filter; non-freeze; normal formula; notch filter
abbr., oncol. neurofibromatosis (iwona)
abbr., pharm. N-formylsarcolysin
abbr., physiol., med. National Formulary; NeuroFibromatoses
abbr., polit. National Front; Norfolk Island
abbr., polym. nonflexible
abbr., R&D. nearfield (igisheva)
abbr., scient. Not Final; nuclear factor (igisheva)
abbr., shipb. noise figures
abbr., space natural frequency; nonflammable
abbr., transp. Nelly Furtado; Number Of Flights
energ.ind. nanofiltration; nuclear facility; nuclear fission
genet. "nombre fundamental" (dimock)
invest. no funds
mil. no distribution to foreign countries; normal fire; nose fairing; nose fuze; not releasable to foreign nationals; not for foreigners; nuclear force
tech. natural form food; near field; neutron flux; night photography; no fluid
NF. abbr.
abbr., econ. normal formula
NF-ĸ abbr.
abbr., biochem. nuclear factor kappa B (ядерный фактор каппа-В Dimpassy)
Nf abbr.
abbr. number of cycles to failure (bonly); neutral porosity of fluid
energ.ind. fan mechanical efficiency
nf abbr.
abbr., econ. nonfundable
abbr., oil no fee
cartogr. not fordable
nf. abbr.
abbr., libr. nonflammable
: 32 phrases in 16 subjects
Automated equipment1
Information technology4
Molecular biology1
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Textile industry2