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NCC abbr.stresses
gen. акт о расхождениях (Alexander Demidov)
abbr. нанокристаллическая целлюлоза (nanocrystalline cellulose Sergei Aprelikov)
biotechn. ядерно-цитоплазматическая компартментация (MichaelBurov); ядерно-цитоплазматическая компартментализация (MichaelBurov)
chem. номинальная концентрация углерода (Nominal Carbon Concentration eugeene1979)
comp., net. центр управления сетью
el. размыкающий контакт (Victor Parno)
gas.proc. коэффициент упаривания (YGA)
Gruzovik, mil. Центр управления Объединённого северо-американского командования ПВО; Центр управления Объединённого североамериканского командования ПВО (NORAD Control Center)
med. некоронарная створка (non coronary cusp; некоронарный лепесток аортально клапана Иван Гандуров)
mil. ЛС небоевых частей и подразделений
psychother. Профессиональный консультант по психическому здоровью (National Certified Counselor NMakarova)
st.exch. НКЦ (Национальный клиринговый центр kOzerOg)
 English thesaurus
NCC abbr.
abbr. National Cancer Coalition; National Capital Commission; National Communications Coordinator; National Constitution Center; No Credit Card; Network Communications Centre; National US Computer Conference; National US Council of Churches; National Capital Commissioner; National Caster Corporation; National Cat Corporation; National Clean Cities; National Clearing Corporation; National Climatic Center; National Command Center; National Communications Command; National Competition Council (Australia AnnaB); National Conservancy Council; National Consultative Conference; National Consumer Congress; National Counselor Certification; National Cryptologic Command; Nature Conservancy Council; Naval Command Center; Naval Command Commission; Naval Commissioning Code; Naval Communications Command; Naval Component Authority; Naval Component Command; Naval Component Commander; Naval Construction Class; Naval Construction Community; Naval Construction Company; Naval Construction Corps; Naval Contract Code; Navigation Command Center; Navigation Control Centre; Neighborhood Capital Corporation; Net Control Center; Network And Computer Consultants; Network Control / Coordination Center; National Carbon Co.; National Chamber of Commerce; Nopco Chemical Co.; non-combatant Corps; Noise Control Committee; national Counterfeit Centre; Network Control Computer; Networking Computer Consultants; NISSAN COMPUTER Corporation; No Christian Commitment; No Crap Challenge; No Cycle Checking; Non Canon Character; Non Conformity Certificates; Non Coroner's Case; NORAD Control Center; normally closed contact (Victor Parno); Norsk Clearing Central; National Composites Center (Vicomte)
abbr., auto. National Caravan Council; net carrying edacity; nickel composite coating
abbr., automat. numerical contouring control
abbr., avia. nacelle compartment cooling; network communication controller; nonconforming/cause code
abbr., BrE Noncombatant Corps
abbr., busin. no collecting commission
abbr., Canada National Capital Commission (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., commer. Negotiated Contract Cost; Nepal Chamber of Commerce; Netherlands Chamber of Commerce
abbr., comp. Network Contro Center (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. network control center; network channel conflict
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Color Code; Network Coordination Centre
abbr., corp.gov. non-consumption component
abbr., earth.sc. National Cartographic Centre; National Chemurgy Council; National Conservation Commission; national consultative council; North-Crimean Canal; Norwegian Coastal Current
abbr., ed., scient. Northampton Community College
abbr., el. Navy Communications Center; network-centric computing; network communication circuit; Network Communications Corp.; new common carriers; news conference circuit; non-coherent coupling; number of coarse codes
abbr., electr.eng. no-current condition
abbr., energ.syst. National Coordination Centre (fjod)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Naval Construction Contract (in the Star Trek series, "NCC" stands for "Naval Construction Contract". It is used as part of the registration number or designation of starships operated by the United Federation of Planets in the Star Trek fictional universe. The registration number, which typically includes the prefix "NCC" followed by a series of digits, serves as a unique identifier for each starship, similar to a license plate or registration number for a vehicle. In the Star Trek canon, starships such as the USS Enterprise, USS Voyager, and USS Defiant are referred to with their NCC registration numbers, which are used to identify and differentiate them within the Star Trek universe Taras)
abbr., file.ext. Computer Numeric Control control file; Network Computer Center
abbr., food.ind. Non Coloration Compound
abbr., hindi National Cadet Corps of India (EnAs)
abbr., IT National Computing Centre (GB); National Computer Conference and Exposition (USA); Network Computer Client
abbr., law non-compete clause (an agreement that prevents an employee who leaves a company from working for another company involved in the same activity for a particular period: : There is a six-month non-compete clause in his contract. wikipedia.org 'More)
abbr., med. National Cancer Center (Japan); National Certification Corporation; National Certified Counselor; Nutrition In Clinical Care (periodical); neurocysticercosis (Astrochka)
abbr., mil. National Cadet Corps; Naval Construction Contract; Navigation Control Center; Navy Command Center; Network Control Center; national contingent commander; NATO contributing nation; News Coordination Centre; National Coordinating Center; naval component commander; Navy component command; Navy component commander; North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD Command Center
abbr., mil., air.def. national communication center
abbr., mil., WMD new construction contractor
abbr., Netherl., law, court Netherlands Commercial Court ('More)
abbr., O&G, casp. North Caspian Constructors (на Кашагане Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., oil natural color composite; National Computer Center; navigation, communication and control (buoy); non-convertible currency; normal closed contact; negative correlation coefficient
abbr., pharma. No Characteristic Change (Игорь_2006)
abbr., progr., IT National Collaborating Centre
abbr., relig. National Council of Churches
abbr., scottish Network Control Centre; NORAD Command Center (USA); Northwood Control Centre (UK)
abbr., shipb. Navy Communication Center
abbr., space National Computer Conference; National Computing Center; nickel-coated carbon
abbr., sport. Natchitoches Country Club; Nondescripts Cricket Club; National Company of Crossbowmen
abbr., st.exch. National City Corporation
abbr., textile non-convertible currencies
abbr., tradem. National Construction Council; Nordic Construction Company
abbr., transp. Net Cargo Capacity
Apollo-Soyuz corrective combination maneuver
comp. national control center
energ.ind. neutron coincidence counter
mil. navigation computer control; navigation control console; network coordination center; numerical control code
tech. natural convection cool down; neutron coincidence collar
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
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