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MW nstresses
media. средневолновый диапазон радиовещания с частотами от 500 кГц до 1600 кГц (0,5 МГц - 1,6 МГц)
mW n
phys. милливатт (MichaelBurov)
Mw. abbr.
abbr., Dutch г-жа (в голландском языке Leonid Dzhepko)
MW adj.
el. микроволновый; сверхвысокочастотный
MW abbr.
dril. илистая вода (muddy water); молекулярная масса (molecilar weight)
el. СВЧ-печь; микроволновая печь
electr.eng. мегаватт (MichaelBurov)
geophys. МВт (Andrey250780)
hi-fi средневолновый диапазон AM-радиовещания (с частотами от 0,5 МГц до 1,6 МГц)
met. пружина из углеродистой стали (стандарты ASTM multitran.ru ArigaB)
polym. минеральная вата (mineral wool boldyrev_o)
seism. моментная магнитуда (twinkie); магнитуда по сейсмическому моменту (twinkie)
Mw abbr.
nucl.phys. унуноктий (MichaelBurov)
mw abbr.
O&G, sakh. молекулярный вес
O&G, sakh., milk. вес
 English thesaurus
MW abbr.
abbr. Mann Whitney; Mark West; MarketWatch; Master Worker; Mega Watt; Mid Wales; Mike White; Minnesota Wisconsin; Multi Writer; Mad And Wild; Magnetized Water; Man Whore; Manway (Yakov); Master Warrant; medium-wave; microwave; Mike Wheeler; Millimeter Wave; Missile Wing; Missing Work; Moaning And Whining; Multiple Warning; Mystery Worshipper; molecule weight
abbr., auto. meg watt
abbr., avia. maximum ventilator volume; manufacturer's warranty; Mach wave; master warning; monkey wrench
abbr., BrE mobile workshop; motor wagon
abbr., dril. mud weight (the density of the drilling fluid, usually given in pounds per gallon)
abbr., el. management workstation; man-weeks; middle wavelength; mid-wavelength; modeling wizard; multi-wavelength; multiwavelength; multiwindow; microwaves
abbr., el., scient. Modulated Wave; Molecular Weight
abbr., electr.eng. mega watt (MichaelBurov); mega-watt (MichaelBurov); megawatt (MichaelBurov)
abbr., hydrol. mean water
abbr., IT Memory Write
abbr., law Most Wanted; Murder Weapon
abbr., med. Mallory-Weiss (syndrome); Minot-von Willebrand (syndrome); molecular weight
abbr., media. Media World; Medium Wave
abbr., mil. Mandalorian Warriors; Men Of War; Milliwatt; Magic Warrior
abbr., mil., avia. medium waves
abbr., mining. multiple wave
abbr., O&G mud weight (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., O&G, sakh. instantaneous earthquake magnitude; megawatts (1,000,000 W); megawatt (1,000,000 W)
abbr., oil muddy water
abbr., physiol. Mouth Width
abbr., polit. Malawi; Montenegro
abbr., progr., IT Microsoft Word
abbr., scient. Master Of Wine
abbr., scottish Marynarka Wojenna (Polish Navy); Mine Warfare; megawatt (power)
abbr., sport. Match Winner
abbr., tech. megohm
abbr., tradem. Merriam Webster
abbr., water.suppl. Megawatt (one million watts)
mil. military works; mine warning; mountain warfare; multiple wounds
tech. message waiting
Mw abbr.
abbr. weight-average molecular weight; eka-radon (MichaelBurov); element number 118 (MichaelBurov); muscovium (MichaelBurov); ununoctium (MichaelBurov); Uuo (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nucl.phys. element 118 (MichaelBurov)
energ.ind. molecular weight of the gas, wet basis
tech. molecular magnetic rotary power
mW abbr.
abbr. milliwatt (power); milli watt (MichaelBurov); milli-watt (MichaelBurov)
abbr., opt. milliwatt
abbr., phys. milliwatt (MichaelBurov)
mw. abbr.
abbr., tech. milliwatt
MW abbr.
abbr. maintenance of way; Middle Welsh
abbr., avia. megawatts; milliwatts; multipurpose weapon; megawatts (electrical); megawatts (thermal)
abbr., busin. man week; manufacturing week; most worthy
abbr., earth.sc. magnesiowustite; magnetite + wüstite; mediterranean water; meteorological warning; monitoring wells
abbr., econ. measurement weight
abbr., oil maximal ventilatory volume; maximum voluntary ventilation; Mannesman Works; microwatt; million words; mineral wool; mooring winch
abbr., space manual word; methanol/water
abbr., tech. middleware
abbr., textile Ministry of Works
: 80 phrases in 17 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Cables and cable production5
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry3
Molecular biology1
Oil processing plants18
Textile industry1