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MUC abbr.stresses
O&G предельная концентрация эффективной работы (of filter, cartridge; фильтра)
muc abbr.
gen. многопользовательский чат (vikki_leto)
 English thesaurus
MUC abbr.
abbr. Message Understanding Conference; Mighty Unity Cartel; multilateral and unallocated contribution
abbr., avia. Franz Josef Strauss Airport, Munich, Germany
abbr., earth.sc. Mindanao Undercurrent (Philippines)
abbr., ed., scient. Mount Union College
abbr., el. multidrop user circuit
abbr., exc.supp. mucus (igisheva)
abbr., inet. Move UP, Charlie
abbr., med. maximum urinary concentration
abbr., mil. Meritorious Unit Citation
abbr., mil., avia. multi-coupler
abbr., nautic. Munich Germany; Munchen Germany
abbr., O&G, sakh. maximum use concentration (of filter, cartridge)
abbr., st.exch. Muniholdings California Fund, Inc.
abbr., tech. maintenance unit code
mil. meritorious unit citation; meritorious unit commendation
muc abbr.
abbr., med., lat. mucilago
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects