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MTS abbr.stresses
Maximizing Totality of Skills
auto. адаптивная полноприводная трансмиссия (Yeldar Azanbayev)
comp., MS система передачи сообщений
comp., net. служба передачи сообщений
IT устройство на магнитной ленте (запоминающее)
med. мезотемпоральный склероз (irinaloza23); 5-3-карбоксиметоксифенил-2-4,5-диметилтиазолил-3-4-сульфофенил тетразолиум, внутренняя соль (Vitaly Lavrov)
mil. система сопровождения перемещаемых ресурсов (сокр. от "mobility tracking system" Alex_Odeychuk)
mining. система транспортировки минералов (Aiduza)
oil восходящий поток бурового раствора (mud to surface)
scient. Стратегия Махаланобиса – Тагучи (Mahalanobis - Taguchi Startegy muzz)
MTs abbr.
telecom. ленты MT (oleg.vigodsky)
mts abbr.
oncol. метастазы (pkat89)
 English thesaurus
MTS abbr.
abbr. Made To Stock; Member Of Technical Staff; magnetic tape system; Magnetic Tape System (OS, HP, HP 2100); Make Transactions Slower; Man-Transportable SOCRATES; Manitoba Telephone Services; Marine Technological Society; Maritime Tactical Schools (NATO); MARS technical service; Maryland Temperance Society; Masked Target Sensor; Material Tracking Standard; Math Technology And Science; Math Technology Science; Mediocre Trading System; Medium Technical School; Medium Temperature System; Memory Tracking System; Message Telephone System; Metric Ton Of Styrofoam; machine translation system; message telecommunication service; multithreaded server; machine and tractor station; metre-ton-second (system); Millenium Theatre System; Ministerial Training School; Mission Team Specialist; Mission Teams Specialist; Mission Training School; Mobil - Trac System; Modular Time System; Momentum Throttle Slide; Mon The Scots; Money Transactions System; Montgomery Transitional Services; Moscow Time Standard-3:00; Motor Transport Service; MTS system; Muffin Tin Surface; Multi Touch Switch; Multimedia Training System; Murder The Sheriff
abbr., auto. Multi-terrain Select (система помощи при движении по бездорожью ВВладимир); manager testing solution
abbr., automat. make-to-stock; material transportation system
abbr., avia. Manzini, Swaziland; maintenance training simulators; make to stock; mobile training sets; motion/time survey; Mach trim system; machining technology system; material test system; mobile trainer set; modular test system; motor-operated transfer switch
abbr., bot., scient. Moisture Transport System
abbr., busin. machine and tractors station; matters; meter-ton-second; Mobile Telephone System
abbr., cartogr. mountains
abbr., chem. methyl tolyl sulfide
abbr., comp. Maintenance and technical support (beserg); modulo testing system
abbr., comp., net. message tool service; message transfer service
abbr., comp., net., IT Message Transfer Service; Microsoft Transaction Server; Multi Threaded Server
abbr., earth.sc. magnetotelluric soundings; materials test system; millimeter-wave temperature sounder
abbr., EBRD medium term scenario (raf)
abbr., el. magnetic tape standard; main traffic station; main trunk system; master timing system; master tooling substrate; mega transfers per second; message transmission subsystem; methyl trichlorosilane; military tactical system; mixed-signal test station; mobile telephone service; mobile telephone subsystem; mobile telephone switch; modem termination system; modem tracking system; modular television system; module testing system; monetary telephone set; MPEG transport stream; multiple terminal simulator; multiple transaction system; multiplex timing source; multitarget rf sputtering; multitarget sputtering technique; multiterminal time-sharing system
abbr., file.ext. Message Transfer Service/System; Michigan Terminal System; Moscow Time Standard (+3:00)
abbr., fin. medium-term strategy; multivariate time series
abbr., IT Manitoba Telephone System; Message Transfer System; Multichannel Television Sound; microsoft transaction server (Bricker)
abbr., med. Michigan Thoracic Society; Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome; Multicellular Tumor Spheroid; Musculoskeletal Tumor Society; Mitochondrial Targeting Sequence; mesial temporal sclerosis (Yuriy Sokha); minced tissue smear
abbr., media. Mirc Theme Standard
abbr., mil. Marine Tactical System; Mechanical Testing And Simulation; Message Telecommunications Service; Modernization Through Spares; Moored Training Ship; Movement Tracking System; Multi Tank Syndrome; Message Transport System (Internet); Multiple Target Surveillance; Marine tactical system
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape storage
abbr., mil., WMD Mustard Temperature-Conditioning System
abbr., mining. Mineral Transport System (Aiduza)
abbr., nautic., scient. Marine Technology Society
abbr., neurol. Modified Tardieu Scale (neuromuscular.ru dimock)
abbr., O&G Morse taper shank
abbr., oil magnetic tape subsystem; magnetotelluric sounding; manned tethered submersible; manometer-thermometer sonde; marine traffic system; marine trenching system; mass transport sediment; material testing system; meter-ton-second system; motion and time study; multiphase transfer system; multiple terminal system
abbr., physiol., med. Maladies Transmises Sexuellement
abbr., post Managerial Training System (at W. F. Bolger Management Academy and others)
abbr., railw. Multi Train System
abbr., relig. Ministry Training Strategy
abbr., scottish Maritime Tactical School; Marked Target Seeker; Merlin Training System (UK Royal Navy); Military Tactical Systems; Modular Tactical Switch
abbr., space maintenance training simulator; meteoroid technological satellite; meteorological transducer system; microwave temperature sounder; mobile test set
abbr., st.exch. Montgomery Street Income Securities, Inc.
abbr., tech. Message Toll Service (Vosoni); Mud To Surface (Vosoni)
abbr., tradem. Microsoft Technical Support
energ.ind. module tracking system
mil. maintenance training set; maneuverable target simulator; manpower training services; master test station; material test specification; mechanical transport school; message traffic study; message transmission system; microwave test set; military test satellite; military training standard; military transportation section; missile test set; missile test stand; missile test station; missile tracking system; missile training squadron; missile tube supply; mobile tracking station; mobile tracking system; mobile training set; moving target screen; moving target simulator; multiple target screen
tech. magnetic tape station; main turbine system; memory test system; message telephone service
MtS. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mountains
Mts. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mounts
MtS abbr.
nautic. Mission to Seafarers (Loneliness, danger and separation from loved ones are just some of the problems seafarers face. Around the world, night and day, The Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to those in need. As a Christian agency, we work in more than 230 ports caring for the practical and spiritual welfare of seafarers of all nationalities and faiths. Kenny Gray)
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects