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MTF abbr.stresses
abbr. многосторонняя торговая площадка (Multilateral Trading Facility knorb); многосторонняя торговая система (knorb)
dril. магнитное положение отклонителя (Magnetic Tool Face eugeene1979)
el. модуляционная передаточная функция (оптического прибора); частотно-контрастная характеристика (ЭЛТ)
house. модуляционная характеристика
IT формат магнитной ленты Microsoft
O&G, sakh. группа учёта материальных запасов (material task force)
tech. функция передачи модуляции (MichaelBurov); ФПМ (MichaelBurov)
textile металлическое волокно (Yuriy83); металлизированное волокно (Yuriy83); люрекс (Yuriy83)
радиогр. передаточная функция модуляции; функция передачи контрастности; передаточная функция контрастности
 English thesaurus
MTF abbr.
abbr. Management Task Force; Mediterranean Travel Fair; Michigan Turfgrass Foundation; Multilateral Trading Facility; Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation; male to female (Artjaazz); Mean Time to Failure; Message Test Format; Message Text Formats; Multilateral Trading Facilities (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., auto. manual transmission fluid
abbr., avia. Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia; maintenance terminal function; manual test fixture
abbr., biochem. metal-responsive transcription factor (Игорь_2006)
abbr., comp., net. Microsoft Tape Format; modulation transfer function
abbr., dril. magnetic tool face
abbr., earth.sc. mean temperature fluctuation; monochromator transmission function
abbr., econ. multilateral trust fund
abbr., el. magnetic tape formatter; main test frame; master test frame; matched tuned filter; mean time of failure; megawatt transmitter filter; message transfer facility; mode transfer function; multilayer thick film; multipath transfer function
abbr., food.ind. Meat Loaf
abbr., inet. More Time For...
abbr., IT Minutes Too Far
abbr., lab.eq. Male-To-Female
abbr., math., scient. Modulation Transfer Function
abbr., med. Metabolize To Freedom (i.e. Let The Person Sober Up, And Then They Can Leave); Male-to-Female; medical treatment facility
abbr., media. Meet The Feebles
abbr., mil. Medical Treatment Facility; Message Text Format; Military Treatment Facility; message text format; military information support operations task force; medical treatment facilities
abbr., mil., avia. mean time for failure
abbr., mil., WMD memorandum to file
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. material task force
abbr., oil mechanical timer fuze
abbr., opt. median time to failure
abbr., physiol. Male Transgendered to Female
abbr., physiol., med. Male To Female
abbr., progr., IT Model Transformation Framework
abbr., relig. Midwest Theological Forum
abbr., space mean-time-to-failure; metastable time-of-flight; Mississippi Test Facility
abbr., sport. MensTennisForums.com; Motorcycle Tourer's Forum
abbr., tech. modulation transfer function (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group; Monitoring The Future; Motor Trade Finances, Limited
meteorol. Model test facility
mil. mechanical time fuze; medical treatment facility; microwave test facility
tech. maintenance test facility
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Information technology1
Mass media2