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noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mos [məuz] nstresses
biotechn. мос (маннан олигосахарид)
lat. обычаи (один из источников правообразования (источники римского права) Leonid Dzhepko)
Makarov. общество обитающих вместе организмов, не связанных мутуалистическими взаимоотношениями
MoS [məuz] n
nautic. Морские Магистрали (Motorways of the Sea – терминология Европейской Комиссии)
MOs [məuz] n
IT музыкальные объекты
MOS abbr.
gen. минимальная рабочая скорость (Minimum Operating Speed Шабатина)
Игорь Миг военно-учётная специальность (в ВС США); ВУС
agric. маннанолигосахариды (Mannan Oligosaccharides nastena1807)
automat. переключатель блокировки автоматики для целей техобслуживания (MOS = Maintenance override switch .... used to override safeguarding initiators to enable maintenance or on-line functional testing. см. pdo.co.om Mixer)
avia. методы обеспечения соответствия (MichaelBurov); методы оценки соответствия (MichaelBurov)
chem. моно-олигосахариды (Kristalle)
ecol. сообщество обитающих вместе организмов, не связанных мутуалистическими взаимоотношениями
energ.syst. Система управления счётчиками (Meter Operating System Daniyuwa)
genet. зеркально ориентированная селекция (серёга)
Gruzovik, mil. ракета на стартовой позиции (missile on site); орбитальная станция с экипажем (manned orbital station)
Gruzovik, scient. спутник для наблюдений за акваторией океана (maritime observation satellite)
mil. военно-учётная специальность (ВУС; abbr. from "Military occupational specialty" Val_Ships)
NATO MOS – Military Occupation Specialty ВУС – военно-учётная специальность (Nu Zdravstvuy)
tech. МОП-структура; структура металл-оксид-полупроводник; МОП (металл-оксид-полупроводник)
MOs abbr.
telecom. диски MO (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
MOS abbr.
abbr. Man Of Steel; Margin On Services; Military Occupational Speciality; Maritime Operational Intelligence Summary; Military Occupation Speciality (Vosoni); Minimum Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300); Ministry of Supply; manned orbital station; mosaic; mean opinion score; metal-oxide semiconductor; metal-oxide semiconductor transistor
abbr., avia. means of compliance (MichaelBurov); maintenance of salary; memory metal oxide semiconductor silicon memory; margins of safety; material ordering schedule; method of shipment
abbr., BrE military overseas
abbr., commer. Measure of Suitability; materials from own stock (eugeene1979)
abbr., commun. message oriented signalling
abbr., comp. magnetic tape operating system; modular operating system; MOS technology
abbr., comp., net., IT Media Object Server
abbr., dat.proc. metal oxide semiconductor
abbr., earth.sc. manned orbiting stations; metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor; meteosat operational system; method of support; mineral-oriented strategy; model output statistics method; monin-obukhov similarity; multispectral optoelectronic imaging spectrometers
abbr., econ. memory; manned orbiting station
abbr., el. metal-oxide-semicon-ductor; master operating system; multiprogramming operating system; magneto-optic switch; maintenance operation subsystem; management objective system; manual orbiting station; maximum operating stress; media operating software; media operating system; message output descriptor; metal-thin oxide-semiconductor; microprogram operating system; multimedia operation software; multi-satellite operating system; multitask operating system; metal-oxide-silicon integrated circuit
abbr., file.ext. Magneto-Optic Storage
abbr., fin. mutual offset system
abbr., inet. Mom Over Shoulder
abbr., IT Mambo Open Source; metal-oxide-semiconductor (Bricker); multimedia operating system; Machine Operating System
abbr., med. Medical Outcomes Study; Myelofibrosis Osteosclerosis; mitochondrial oxidative stress (iwona); Mossuril
abbr., media. Man On Street
abbr., meteorol. Model Output Statistics
abbr., microel. transistor
abbr., mil. Metal Oxide Semiconductor; military occupational specialty; military occupational specialty codes
abbr., mil., avia. management operating system
abbr., nautic., scient. Marine Observation Satellite
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. manager of surveillance
abbr., O&G, sakh. maintenance override switch (bypass switch); Maintenance override switch = bypass switch
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. maintenance override switch
abbr., oil magnesium oxygenated sulphate; manipulator-operated system; marine observational satellite; movable oil saturation; multi-orifice sleeve
abbr., police Member of the Service
abbr., post Metal on silicone (type of integrated circuit)
abbr., progr., IT Mit Out Sound
abbr., scottish Meridian Ocean Systems (USA); Monitor Only crew Station
abbr., semicond. metal-oxide-silicium
abbr., space manufacturing operating system; measures of success; military occupation specialties; modular optoelectronic scanner
abbr., tech. mobile operating system
abbr., telecom. MOSFET
abbr., tradem. My Own Store
cinema A take that is filmed without recording sound at the same time. MOS stands for "mit out sound"--it is purported that director Erich Von Stroheim couldn't pronounce "without sound" correctly due to his accent.
mil., abbr. maintenance and operations support; major operating system; marking of overseas shipments; military observers; minimum operating strip; missile on site; missile on stand; missile operations strategy; mission operations system
rude, abbr. Sex
tech., abbr. maritime observation satellite; metal-oxide-silicon
mos abbr.
abbr. months (Vosoni)
MoS abbr.
abbr. margin of safety (ochernen)
mOS abbr.
clin.trial. modified overall survival (Rada0414); median overall survival (Rada0414)
Mos. abbr.
abbr. Mosely's Chancery Reports; Moskow
Mos abbr.
abbr., oil Mosby; Moscovian
mos. abbr.
abbr., libr. months
: 746 phrases in 22 subjects
Household appliances8
Information technology52
Mass media5
Oil and gas15
Quantum electronics2