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mor [mɔː] nstresses
biol. грубый гумус; слабо разложившиеся растительные остатки тога (Mora excelsa); мора высокая (бот. Mora excelsa)
ecol. слабо разложившиеся растительные остатки; сырой гумус; кислый гумус; мор; низкозольный гумус
forestr. лесная почва
geol. лесная почва, в которой слой гумуса образует плотный покров над почвой
Makarov. гумус (лесной подстилки); слаборазложившиеся растительные остатки
MOR abbr.
gen. коммерческая популярная музыка (middle of the road intolerable)
dril. вывоз с буровой бурового станка (moving out rig)
light. ГКУ (Andrey250780)
mus. лёгкий ("middle-of-the-road" Anglophile)
O&G МЭР (grafleonov)
oil отчёт об операциях технического обслуживания (maintenance operations report); вывоз с буровой установки для бурения (moving-out of rig)
slang 'умеренное', среднее направление в популярной музыке, не слишком громкое и избегающее непристойных слов в тексте песен, таким образом пользующееся популярностью у "среднего класса", людей с консервативными вкусами; умеренное направление в популярной музыке
Mor abbr.
dril. морроу (Morrow; серия и свита нижнего отдела пенсильванской системы)
 English thesaurus
MOR abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. milk only record morcellation
abbr., avia. maintenance overhaul and repair; manufacturing and operations record; maritime operations room; military operational requirements
abbr., biol. milk only record
abbr., comp.name. Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China
abbr., med. Moriche
MOR abbr.
abbr. Mission Operations Review; Mission Operations Room; Magnetic Optical Rotation; Magneto Optical Recording (Alex Lilo); Managed Object Repository (Alex Lilo); managed open resourcing (SEIC ABelonogov); Management Operating Ratio (Alex Lilo); Mandatory Occurrence Report (aviation Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Operation Recovery (Alex Lilo); Market Opportunity Rating (Alex Lilo); Mars orbital rendezvous; Master of Operations Research (College degree Alex Lilo); Master Ordnance Repair (Alex Lilo); Masters of Reality (band Alex Lilo); Medical Officer Report (Alex Lilo); Mid-Ocean Range (Alex Lilo); Mid-Ocean Ridge (Alex Lilo); middle of the road; Middle-Of-Road (Alex Lilo); Military Operational Requirement (NATO acronym Alex Lilo); Mining Object Repository (OP, Oracle, DB); Minister of Reality (band Alex Lilo); Ministry of Railways (China Alex Lilo); Mission Operations Report (Alex Lilo); Mission, Base Operations, Renovation (US Army Alex Lilo); Model of Record (Alex Lilo); Model-Order-Reduction (Alex Lilo); Monthly Obligation Report (Alex Lilo); Monthly Operating Report (Alex Lilo); Morelos (State of Me'xico Alex Lilo); Morendo (music; dying away in tone and time Alex Lilo); Mortality Odds Ratio (Alex Lilo); Mouvements Oculaires Rapides (French: Rapid Eye Movements Alex Lilo); Multi-wavelength Optical Repeater (Alex Lilo); Multinational Opportunity Registration (Alex Lilo); Middle-Of-the-Road; monthly operations report
abbr., avia. Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (4uzhoj); mandatory occurrence report; military operational requirement (s)
abbr., busin. Ministry of Railways
abbr., commer. Military Occupational Requirement
abbr., dril. moving out rig
abbr., earth.sc. magnetooptical rotation; mid ocean ridge
abbr., el. mask option register; medium-frequency omnidirectional radio range; MF omnirange; mode order reduction; modulated optical reflectance method
abbr., electr.eng. motor-operated rheostat
abbr., law Man On The Run
abbr., manag. Monthly Operational Review (PAYX)
abbr., med.appl. micro-optical rotor (harser)
abbr., media. Middle Of The Road
abbr., mil. Memorandum Of Record; memorandum of record; measures of response
abbr., mil., avia. magneto-optical recording
abbr., nautic., scient. Monthly Operating Review
abbr., oil move out rig (andrushin); Maxwell orthogonal rheometer; memory downhole recorder; midocean-ridge (system); minimum oil recovery; moment of rupture; morpholine; Moscow Oil Refinery; motor operated rheostat
abbr., phys. magneto-optical rotation
abbr., phys., scient. Modulus of Rupture
abbr., physiol., med. Mortal Oscillatory Rate
abbr., silic. modulus of rupture
abbr., space MF omni-range
abbr., st.exch. Morgan Keegan, Inc.
biochem. Malate Oxidoreductase
mil. mean observed range; military operational requirement; military operations research; missile operationally ready
tech. maintenance operations report; memory output register; meteorological optical range; moving-out of rig
mor abbr.
nautic. mortar
Mor abbr.
abbr., oil moretane; Morrow
Mor. abbr.
geogr. Morocco (Vosoni)
mor. abbr.
gen. morendo
: 17 phrases in 8 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Textile industry1