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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
moa Dinornis novaezealandiae ['məuə] nstresses
Gruzovik, zool. моа (fem; indecl)
MOA abbr.
busin. меморандум о договорённости
O&G, tengiz. РЭУ (Burkitov Azamat); ремонт эксп участок (Burkitov Azamat)
pharma. Метод анализа (Method Of Analysis askaaa)
toxicol. способ действия (пестицида MichaelBurov); механизм действия пестицида (MichaelBurov)
moa abbr.
maor. моа (Dinornithidae; огромные нелетающие птицы, населявшие Новую Зеландию и вымершие ок. 1500 до н. э. Насчитывалось ок. 25 разновидностей, от относительно небольших по размеру и весу до достигавших 3 м высоты и 230 кг веса; по внешнему виду напоминали страуса)
zool. моа (Dinornis novaezealandiae)
Moa abbr.
geogr. г. Моа (Куба)
 English thesaurus
MOA abbr.
abbr. Major Outcome Activity; Medical Office Administrator; Military Officers Association; Minute Of Angle; Minutes Of Angle; Mission Operations Area; Mother Of All; Mother Of Alsihad; Mothers Of Asthmatics; MAP order amendments; matrix output amplifier; Mercenaries Of The Alliance; Metropolitan Opera Association; Military Operating Area; Ministry of Aviation; Monitor Oversee Advise; metal oxide arrester
abbr., anim.husb. Ministry of Agriculture (PRC)
abbr., avia. minute of angle; minute of arc; make on assembly; method of averaging; military operation area; modification outside airframe
abbr., drug.name Method Of Administration
abbr., earth.sc. multiple-objective analysis
abbr., ed. Mode Of Attendance
abbr., ed., scient. Method Of Approach
abbr., el. monolithic operational amplifier; maintenance, operation, administration; management object adapter
abbr., IT Macromedia Open Architecture; modulation analyzer
abbr., med. Maine Optometric Association; Massachusetts Orthopaedic Association; Michigan Optometric Association; Michigan Osteopathic Association; Missouri Optometric Association; Montana Optometric Association
abbr., mil. Man Of Action; Masters Of Annihilation; Memorandum Of Agreement; Might Of Arms; Military Operations Area; memorandum of agreement; military operating area
abbr., O&G, tengiz. maintenance and operations area (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil Memorandum of Agreement (Less than a contractual agreement, but an agreement between two parties that is recognised as morally binding); method of adjustment; microscopic organic analysis
abbr., physiol. Mechanism Of Action
abbr., physiol., med. Months Of Age
abbr., progr., IT Modeling Olap Applications
abbr., scottish Minister Of Aviation
abbr., toxicol. mode of action (MichaelBurov)
airports, avia. Moa, Cuba
mil. management operations audit; medium observation aircraft; military operations area; missile optical alignment; mission-oriented analysis
tech. Ministry of Agriculture; monolithic operation amplifier
MoA abbr.
gen. Manual of Authorities (Yeldar Azanbayev)
med. Mechanism of Action (механизм действия (препарата) Dimpassy)
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects