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MMI abbr.stresses
abbr., health. ММУ (Medical Municipal Institution – муниципальное медицинское учреждение Ginger_Jane)
abbr., life.sc. метимазол (Methimazole Ремедиос_П)
IT человеко-машинный интерфейс; интерфейс "человек-машина"
psychol. индекс одновременного восприятия медиа-источников (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
MMI abbr.
abbr. Modified Mercalli Intensity; Machinery Marketing, Inc.; Major Market Index; Manufacturers Marketing Incorporated; Me, Myself, and I; Missions to Military, Inc.; Mixed Mode Interpreter (JIT, IBM, Java); Mobile Metal Ions; Multi Material Interface; Music Missions International; Moscow Mining Institute (igisheva); main machine interface; man-machine interactive
abbr., auto. Multimedia Interface; multi medium interface
abbr., avia. major model improvement; manual magnetic indicator
abbr., chem. methylmercuric iodide; methyl mercuric iodide
abbr., comp.name. Machino-Montell-India Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. indirect method of moment; maximum intensity; monitoring and measuring instruments
abbr., econ. ministry of metallurgical industry
abbr., el. main memory interface; maximum mutual information (spectrum estimation); Monolithic Memories Inc.; multimedia input; multimessage interface; multimode interference; multiport memory interface
abbr., fin. money market instruments (Rada0414)
abbr., health. Medical Municipal Institution (Ginger_Jane)
abbr., IT Multi Media Interface; Man-Machine Interface/Interaction
abbr., life.sc. Methimazole (Ремедиос_П)
abbr., med. Medicus Mundi International; Michigan Molecular Institute; Medical Missions International; macrophage migration inhibition; methylmercaptoimidasole
abbr., mil. Man Machine Interface; man/machine interface
abbr., mil., air.def. multiple module interconnection
abbr., mil., WMD modified Mercalli intensity
abbr., O&G, sakh. mandatory medical insurance
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. Man-Machine interfaces
abbr., oil main-memory interface; man machine interaction; methoxymethyl isocyanate
abbr., opt. man-machine interface
abbr., physiol. mind-machine interface (iwona)
abbr., physiol., med. Maximum Medical Improvement
abbr., polym. Midland Macromolecular Institute
abbr., psychol. media multi tasking index (MichaelBurov); media multi-tasking index (MichaelBurov); media multitasking index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., relig. Medical Ministry International
abbr., scottish Marina Militaire Italiana
abbr., space man/ machine interface; maximum and minimum inventories
abbr., st.exch. MMI Companies, Inc.
abbr., tech. Mechanical, Materials and Integrity (YGA)
abbr., textile multiple-multiple insurance
abbr., tradem. Medical Marketing International
mil. mandatory modification and inspection; manpower management information
tech. man-machine interaction
Mmi abbr.
abbr. Miami
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects