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noun | abbreviation | word form | to phrases
Mi [mi:] nstresses
mus. нота Ми; нота Е
mi [mi:] n
ital., mus. ми (в сольмизации)
mus. ми (нота)
MIS [mɪs-] abbr.
account. система управленческой информации (management information system)
bank. паевой инвестиционный фонд, вкладывающий средства акционеров в муниципальные облигации (США; municipal investment trust); система интервенции с использованием нескольких валют (multicurrency intervention system); информационная система управления (Management Information System Ying)
busin. управленческая информационная система (management information system)
comp., net. менеджер информационной системы; администратор информационной системы; информационно-управляющая система
construct. административная информационная система; управленческая информационная система
Gruzovik, econ. многовалютная система интервенирования (multicurrency intervention system)
Gruzovik, IT информационный отдел (management information services; management information systems)
Gruzovik, mil. боевая задача (mission); боевой полёт (mission); ракета управляемая (missile)
Gruzovik, scient. структура "металл-диэлектрик-полупроводник" (metal-insulator-semiconductor)
gynecol. мюллеровская ингибирующая субстанция (Mullerian inhibiting substance mazurov)
Makarov. АСУП; автоматизированная система управления предприятиями; спектроскопия матричной изоляции
med. скрининговое изучение нарушений памяти (Memory Impairment Screen Тантра)
O&G, karach. автоматизированная система управления (Aiduza); АСУ (Aiduza)
sol.pow. металл-диэлектрик-полупроводник
surg. МИХ (минимально инвазивная хирургия Yuriy Sokha); минимально инвазивная хирургия (MichaelBurov); малоинвазивная хирургия (MichaelBurov); хирургия минимального вмешательства (MichaelBurov); бескровная хирургия (MichaelBurov); малоинвазивная хирургическая практика (MichaelBurov)
tech. автоматизированная система управления производством
mis- form.
gen. приставка, означающая недостаток (и пр.); приставка, означающая ошибку (и пр.); приставка, означающая неправильность (и пр.); префикс, означающий неправильность или недостаток; префикс, означающий недостаток; нарушение порядка (Mis- is added to some verbs and nouns to form new verbs and nouns which indicate that something is done badly or wrongly. The local newspaper misreported the story by claiming the premises were rented... He was eventually convicted for the misuse of official funds. CCB Alexander Demidov)
law ненадлежащий (в таких словах как misuse, misconduct etc. Евгений Тамарченко)
Makarov. неправильный
vulg. выкидыш (от miscarriage)
mis [mɪs-] form.
media. со значением «неправильный»; со значением «ложный» (напр., misprint — опечатка); со значением отрицания (напр., mistrust — недоверие)
 English thesaurus
Mi [mi:] abbr.
abbr. Miocene (MichaelBurov); Miocene age (MichaelBurov); Miocene time (MichaelBurov); the Miocene (MichaelBurov); the methyl orange alkalinity of a mud filtrate reported as millimeters per 0.02 normal acid per mm3 of filtrate
abbr., geol. Miocene division (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. microophtalmia; mitochondria
geol. Miocene Division (MichaelBurov); Miocene Epoch (MichaelBurov)
lat. Micah
mil. Mil' (Soviet helicopter manufacturer)
mi [mi:] abbr.
abbr. mile; Miles; minor
MI [mi:] abbr.
abbr., alum. major incident
abbr., auto. main injection; malfunction indicator; malleable cast iron
mi [mi:] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. monticellite-idocrase rock
MI [mi:] abbr.
abbr., gynecol. maturation index (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. mission impossible mi
mi. abbr.
abbr. minim; minor; minute; microfilm
abbr., earth.sc. mile
Mi- n
relig. Honorific prefix sometimes translated 'august'. Japanese terms often prefixed with the honorific mi- may be listed under their main word in this dictionary. E.g. for mi-tama see Tama A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
mI [mi:] abbr.
abbr., avia. millilambert
MIS [mɪs-] abbr.
abbr. Management And Information Systems; Management Of Information Systems; Manager of Information Systems; Marketing Information System; Membership Information System; Miscellaneous; Man in Space; management information system (An information system designed to provide financial and quantitative information to all the levels of management in an organization. Most modern management information systems provide the data from an integrated computer database, which is constantly updated from all areas of the organization in a structured way. Access to the data is usually restricted to the areas regarded as useful to particular managers, access to confidential information is limited to top management. An MIS should run parallel to the configuration of the physical and organizational structures. The systematic application of information technology has enabled MIS to drive these structures. OB&M Alexander Demidov); Management Innovation Source; Manager Instruction Sheet; managerial information system (It can be defined as the "information systems which by use of latest technological tools have empowered people ,businesses , organizations and companies to enhance the decision making process". http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Types_of_managerial_information_system_described Alexander Demidov); Marketing Intelligence Survey; Master Identification Sequence; Master of International Service; Mega Iterations per Second; Metering Information System; military intelligence service; Military/Monthly Intelligence Summary; missile; mission; Mission Integration Segment; Mission Intelligence Segment (within CARS); Mississippi Central Railroad Corporation; Mohawk Industrial Supply, Inc.; Multi-angle Imaging Spectrometer; Months in Service (VVS01); Management-Informationssystem; Miscellaneous (Other); metal-insulator semiconductor; Monte Carlo Inelastic Scattering Code
abbr., automat. metal insulator silicon
abbr., avia. MIsima Island, Papua New Guinea; metal-isolator semiconductor; made in shop; maintenance information science; mechanical interruption summary; micro information system; mission information subsystem
abbr., bank. Municipal Investment System (Alik-angel)
abbr., bot., scient. Management Indicator Species
abbr., busin. marine insurance survey
abbr., comp., net. manager of information system
abbr., comp., net., IT Managed Internet Service
abbr., corp.gov. management information systems
abbr., earth.sc. map interpretation statistics; marine information system; maritime integrated system; matter in suspension; measurement information system; meteorological information system; method of initial stresses; mineral industry surveys; misool; modified in situ; moving image system
abbr., ed. Model International School
abbr., el. metal-insulator-silicon (device); metal-insulator-semiconductor; machine instruction statement; management information science; medical information system; metal-interfacial layer-semiconductor (structure); metal ion source; microcode instruction sequencer; microfilm information system; micro inspection system; microinstruction set; modular integrated system; multiple interactive screen; multistate information system
abbr., file.ext. Multimedia Information Sources (Internet); Mission file (many games)
abbr., inet. Mobile Internet Server
abbr., IT Management Information Services; Mission file; Mobile Information Service; main integration switch; Management information system
abbr., law Management Information Systems; Men In Suits
abbr., market. market information system
abbr., meteorol. Melanoma In Situ
abbr., mil. Management Information System; Mission In Stealth; maritime intelligence summary; military information support
abbr., mining. Mining Institute of Scotland
abbr., nautic., scient. Marine Isotope Stages
abbr., opt. metal insulator semiconductor
abbr., physiol., med. Minimally Invasive Surgery; Mullerian Inhibiting Substance
abbr., polym. microyield strength
abbr., scottish Message Input Segment
abbr., space metal-isolator-semiconductor
abbr., surg. minimal intervention surgery (MichaelBurov); minimal invasion surgery (MichaelBurov); minimal invasive surgery (MichaelBurov); minimally invasive surgery (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Midcoast Internet Solutions
abbr., transp. Meteorological Impact Statement
energ.ind. multiloop integral system
invest. multicurrency intervention system
mil. maintenance indicator system; management information specialist; manpower information system; military information system; military intelligence school; military intelligence services; military intelligence summary; military interim specification; missile interim specification; mission information system; mobile information system; monthly intelligence summary
O&G manufacturing information system
tech. maintenance information system; management information service; material inspection service; metrology information service; multimedia information service
mis [mɪs-] abbr.
abbr. missing
med. miscarriage
Mis. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Missouri
MIS [mɪs-] abbr.
abbr., auto. misfire
abbr., biol. Müllerian-Inhibiting Substance; Mullerian- inhibiting substance
abbr., chem. multi-ion selection
abbr., econ., market. marketing information systems
abbr., logist. Mind Identity System
abbr., mil., air.def. microwave landing system; multimedia information source (Internet)
: 241 phrases in 52 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Automated equipment4
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Genetic engineering1
Household appliances1
Information technology3
Intelligence and security services2
Mass media3
Oil / petroleum1
Oil processing plants3
Power system protection3
Stock Exchange1
Textile industry5