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MGO nstresses
chem. оксид магния (aerime)
MGO abbr.
fin. обязательная общая оферта (Mandatory General Offer kim1976)
nautic. дизельное топливо (marine gas oil Саня)
O&G судовой газойль (olga garkovik)
MgO abbr.
tech. магнезия (MichaelBurov); периклаз (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
MGO abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. Master General of Ordnance
MGO abbr.
abbr. Mega Gauss Oersteds; Morton Grove Organization; megagauss-oersted
abbr., avia. Manega, Gabon
abbr., BrE Master-General of the Ordnance
abbr., chem., scient. Magnesium Oxide
abbr., earth.sc. mega-gauss oersted
abbr., med. methylglyoxal (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil. Mission, Goals, Objectives
abbr., nautic. Marine Gas Oil (S. Manyakin)
abbr., O&G marine gasoil (olga garkovik)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Main Geophysical Observatory
abbr., relig. Mighty Gospel Outreach
abbr., scottish Master General of the Ordnance
abbr., space Mars geoscience orbiter
mil. military government officer
MgO abbr.
abbr. Magnesium oxide
abbr., drug.name Magnesium Oxide
abbr., tech. magnesia (MichaelBurov); magnesium oxide (MichaelBurov); periclase (MichaelBurov)
: 12 phrases in 6 subjects
Building materials7
Pulp and paper industry1
Steel production1
Unit measures1