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MCC abbr.stresses
astronaut. ЦУП; центр управления полётом
avia. взаимодействие между членами экипажа (Farrukh2012)
bank. код категории продавца (merchant category code Glebokor); код вида торговой точки (Miyer)
cables главный распределитель (MichaelBurov); главный коммутационный центр (MichaelBurov); распределитель для магистральных кабелей первого уровня (MichaelBurov); распределитель кабелей ввода и кабелей оборудования (MichaelBurov)
construct. ЩСУ (Motor Control Centre Yeldar Azanbayev)
electr.eng. ЩУЭ (щит управления электродвигателем; шкаф управления электродвигателем; щит управления электродвигателями; шкаф управления электродвигателями Tehpereklad); щит управления (wandervoegel); щит управления электродвигателями (Tehpereklad); шкаф управления электродвигателями (Tehpereklad)
Gruzovik, mil. Военный координационный комитет США (Military Coordinating Committee); центр управления ракетами (missile control center)
Gruzovik, scient. Корпорация по микроэлектронике и технологии производства компьютеров (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation; научно-исследовательский концерн-ассоциация; создан в 1983 г.; цель – создание в США суперЭВМ пятого поколения (Остин, штат Техас, США))
IT человеко-машинное взаимодействие
law Сертификат на получение налогового кредита по ипотеке (Mortgage credit certificate Freidin)
mil. мобильный центр управления (WiseSnake); МЦУ (Mobile Control Center WiseSnake)
mining. ГХК (MichaelBurov); горно-химический комбинат (MichaelBurov)
nucl.pow. ПУС (подвижный узел связи на атомной станции (mobile communications center) ravnybogu)
O&G главный центр управления (MichaelBurov); ГЦУ (MichaelBurov)
O&G, karach. блок управления электродвигателями (Aiduza); БУЭ (Aiduza)
O&G, sakh. пульт управления моторами (motor control center); ПУМ (motor control center); распределительное устройство (motor control centre); распределительное устройство двигателя (motor control centre); центр управления двигателями (Motor control centre); оперативно-щитовой блок-модуль
O&G, tengiz. ЩСУ (Burkitov Azamat)
oil отдел управления техническим обслуживанием (maintenance control center)
telecom. Код страны в сети мобильной связи (Часть телефонного номера Georgy Moiseenko)
transp. МЦК (Moscow Central Circle dmitryq)
 English thesaurus
MCC abbr.
abbr. Master Certified Coach; Maneuver Control Center; maximum cystometric capacity (Andrei Sedliarou); Mission Control Cell (w/in CARS); Mission Control Center (Space); Multichannel Communication Controller (SCC, FCC); maintenance control circuit; master control code; motor control centers; mercury control centre; methyl N-3,4-dichlorophenyl carbamate; Monsanto Chemical Co.; multi-component circuit; multi-chip carrier
abbr., anim.husb. modified contemporary comparison
abbr., auto. manifold catalytic converter; micro compact car; Monte Carlo Classic
abbr., auto.ctrl. master control cabinet (igisheva)
abbr., avia. maintenace control center; maintenace control computer; maintenace coverage code; material class and code; meteorological communications centre; miscellaneous contract commitment; maintenance control computer; maintenance coverage code; micro computer consortium; mode and configuration control; modification customer chart; motor case cuter
abbr., avia., ICAO main collecting centre
abbr., bank. Merchant Category Code (wikipedia.org Glebokor)
abbr., biotechn. microbore column chromatography
abbr., cables Main Cross Connect (MichaelBurov); Main Cross-Connect (MichaelBurov); Main Crossconnect (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. Microcrystalline Cellulose (Resquer); methyl α-chlorocinnamate
abbr., chem., scient. Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
abbr., comp., IT Mobile Computer Core
abbr., comp., net. mobile cloud computing
abbr., comp., net., IT Melbourne Cricket Club
abbr., earth.sc. map color code; map colour code; marginal capacity costs; maximum cooling capacity; maximum cross correlation; mesoscale cellular convection; mesoscale convective complex; metamorphic core complexes; METEOSAT Control Centre (France); Mining Corporation of Canada; multi-channel counter
abbr., ed., scient. Manchester Computing Centre
abbr., el. motor control center; magnetic card control; majority carrier corrected dopant profiling technique; management, command and control; MAN control center; manual control and counter; master control cell; masterfab central controller; memory card controller; memory control circuit; meteorological communication center; microcarrier for LSI chip; microclimate conditioning; microcomputer chip; Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation; miniature chip carrier; minority-carrier control; mobile call control; mode control code; modulation with constant coefficient; Monte Carlo calculation; multicast coordination center; multi-channel cascader; multichannel communication center; multichannel communication control (ler); multichannel control; multichip carrier; multichip circuit; multicircuit connection; multicontact connector; multilayer ceramic capacitor; multimedia communication channel; mobile communications control
abbr., el., scient. My Classic Car
abbr., file.ext. Dialer10 calling card; Shortcut to MSN (Windows 95)
abbr., fin. Millenium Challenge Corporation; Modernised Customs Code
abbr., food.ind. milk chilling centre
abbr., immunol. mixed cell culture
abbr., India Medical Counseling Committee (BB50)
abbr., IT Mobile Country Code; man-computer communication; magnetic card code
abbr., meteorol. Medial Cell Column; Mutated In Colorectal Cancer (gene); Medicines Control Council (Комиссия по контролю за оборотом лекарственных средств Южно-Африканской республики Dimpassy); Merkel-cell carcinoma (карцинома из клеток Меркеля xand)
abbr., mil. Master Control Console; Marine component commander; maritime component commander; master control center; military cooperation committee; military coordinating committee; military counterintelligence collections; mission control center; mobility control center; movement control center; maritime component command; Marine Corps Commandant; Munitions Carriers Conference
abbr., mil., air.def. multi-channel communication center; multi-channel communication control center; multi-channel communications control
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic card computer
abbr., mil., WMD mobile containment chamber; motor control cabinet
abbr., milk. milk collection centre
abbr., mining. mining and chemical combine (MichaelBurov); MCP (MichaelBurov); mining and chemical plant (MichaelBurov); mining and chemical works (MichaelBurov)
abbr., monk. Macomb County Choppers
abbr., NATO Mobility Coordination Centre
abbr., O&G Main Control Centre (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Motor control centre; motor control center; motor control centre
abbr., oil main control console; megacompartment complex; minor cycle counter; multicomponent circuits
abbr., pharm. myobacterium cell wall-DNA complex
abbr., physiol. marrow contact channels (coltuclu)
abbr., polym. master control console; medium color channel black
abbr., progr., IT Mandrake Control Center
abbr., radio multi-chip circuit
abbr., relig. Mennonite Central Committee
abbr., scottish Canada-US Military Co-operation Community, US Section; Meteor Communications Corp. (USA)
abbr., space main communication center; master control centre; Mercury Control Center; mid-course correction; missile course computer
abbr., sport. Marylebone Cricket Club
abbr., st.exch. Mestek, Inc.
abbr., telecom. mobile telephone control channel; multiple channel communication controller
abbr., textile Moscow Chamber of Cotton
abbr., tradem. Millennium Challenge Corporation
abbr., transp. Maintenance Control Center
abbr., UN Military Coordination Commission
abbr., UN, afr. Military Coordination Committee
energ.ind., abbr. main circulation circuit; multigroup constant code
mil., abbr. main combustion chamber; main communications center; main control center; maintenance control center; maintenance of close contact; management and control center; maneuver control console; manual combat center; manual control center; maritime coordination center; meteorological communications center; metrology and calibration center; midcourse command control; midcourse correction; military climb corridor; military communications control; missile capability console; missile checkout console; missile combat crew; missile command coder; missile control center; missile control console; mobile command center; mobile communication center; mobile control center; modified close control; movement coordination center; multichannel communications controller
tech., abbr. materials characterization center; micro-computer controller; microcircuit carrier; modulated continuous carrier; multicomponent circuit; multiple computer complex
MCC. abbr.
abbr. McChesney
McC abbr.
abbr., oil McClosky (lime)
: 50 phrases in 14 subjects
Electrical engineering1
Machinery and mechanisms1
Oil and gas2
Oil and gas technology2
Sakhalin R1