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MBA nstresses
gen. магистр бизнеса; магистр экономики управления; прими решение или купи его; состоящий -ая в браке в результате несчастного случая; состоящий -ая в браке вследствие печального стечения обстоятельств; состоящий -ая в браке, но доступный (-ая); состоящий -ая в браке, но свободный (-ая)
busin. магистр делового администрирования (olga don)
ed. магистр делового администрирования (13.05); магистр администрирования бизнеса (Alex_Odeychuk); магистратура по бизнес-администрированию (pelipejchenko); магистратура по деловому администрированию (pelipejchenko)
mil. ЗБМ; зона баланса материала
tech. метрическая резьба (EKolesova)
 English thesaurus
MBA abbr.
abbr. Management By Accident; Massive Bank Account; Mediocre But Arrogant; Mop Bucket Attitude; Mutually Beneficial Arrangement; Major Bonehead Association; Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom; Marketing Brain Aboard; Master Bullshit Artist; Master Business Administration; Master in Business Administration; Matter Billing Attorney; Me Big Asshole; Mean Binary Accuracy; Mediocre Bastard Alert; Microsoft Business Associate; Military Benefit Association; Mind Body And Attitude; Mind Body Attitude; Miracles Being Achieved; Mom's Bouquets Again; Money Business And Accounting; More Bass Ale; More Bewilderment Always; Morse Baudot Ascii; Most Blind Again; Multiple Beam Antennae; Murderer Of Brand Assets; Must Buy And Acquire; My Big Ass; My Bullshit Award; The Mindlessness Of Business Administration; Make or Buy Decision; Married by Accident
abbr., anim.husb. microblood analyser
abbr., auto. mechanical brake assist
abbr., avia. marker beacon antenna; minimum basic altitude; modular baseline aircraft; multi beacon antenna
abbr., busin. Master's degree in Business Administration
abbr., chem. methylbenzyl alcohol
abbr., commun., sat.comm. multibeam or multiple-beam antenna
abbr., comp. MacBook Air (ноутбук от Apple Smartie)
abbr., earth.sc. Marine Biological Association; Midwest Bedrock Aquigroup; moving block association analysis
abbr., econ. MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION (Пахно Е.А.); Mortgage Bankers Association of America
abbr., ed. Mentally Below Average
abbr., el. maintenance-oriented group-blocking acknowledgement; memory block address; modular bus architecture; multipoint broadband access; multiple-beam antenna
abbr., genet. marker-based analysis
abbr., health., med. Masters of Business Administration
abbr., HF.electr. multibeam antenna
abbr., inet. Married But Available; Me Before Anyone
abbr., IT Managed Boot Agent; Management Boot Agent; master of business administration (Bricker)
abbr., mil. Main Battle Area; Multiple Beam Antenna
abbr., oil maximum binding capacity; midwestern basin and arches
abbr., physiol. Mind, Body, and Attitude
abbr., police Mighty Big Attitude
abbr., scient. Masters Of Business Administration; Montgomery Bell Academy
abbr., scottish Multi-Beam Antenna
abbr., sport. Mississauga Baseball Association
abbr., tech. Main Bearing Assembly (peuplier_8)
abbr., tradem. Mortgage Bankers Association
airports, avia. Mombasa, Kenya
mil. main battle area; military base agreement; minimum burst altitude
tech. material balance area; methoxy butyl acetate; missile-borne antenna
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects