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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mab [mæb] nstresses
gen. замараха; нечистоплотная особа; неряха; одеваться неряшливо
vulg. распутная женщина
Mab [mæb] n
gen. Мэб; Маб (женское имя)
MAb [mæb] n
immunol. МАТ (iwona)
Mab [mæb] n
names Маб
MABS abbr.
polym. метилметакрилатакрилонитрилбутадиенстирол (Yuriy83)
 English thesaurus
MAB [mæb] abbr.
abbr. Metropolitan Area Boundary; Marc Andre Belair; Medical Advisory Board; man and biosphere programme
abbr., adv. Magazine Advertising Bureau
abbr., astronaut. Man and the Biosphere (UNESCO)
abbr., avia. Maraba, PA, Brazil; materials applications board
abbr., biol. Man and Biosphere
abbr., el. macro address bus; media access box; memory answer bus; message authentication block; microcomputer adapter box
abbr., hist. Munich air base
abbr., IT Multi Architecture Binary
abbr., meteorol. "Man and Biosphere"; Metropolitan Asylums Board
abbr., mil. Marine Amphibious Brigade; Mobile Assault Bridge
abbr., nautic., scient. Man And The Biosphere
abbr., polym. Material Advisory Board
abbr., progr., IT Mozilla Amazon Browser
abbr., scient. Man and the Biosphere Programme
abbr., scottish Modular Array Basing
abbr., st.exch. Mid America Bancorp
abbr., stat. maximum acceptable bias (iwona)
mil. Marine air base; Marine amphibious brigade; medium altitude bombing; missile activation building; missile assembly building; mobile assault bridge; modular air bomb
MAb [mæb] abbr.
abbr. monoclonal antibody
abbr., med. monoclonal antibodies
mAb [mæb] abbr.
abbr. monoclonal antibody (моноклональное антитело Dimpassy)
MABS abbr.
abbr. Maritime Application Bridge System
abbr., earth.sc. moored acoustic buoy systems; multichain anchoring buoy system
abbr., el. military application of blast simulation
abbr., oil copolymer from methyl methacrylate, acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene; mechanical and bottom sludge
abbr., plast. methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer
abbr., polym. methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene copolymer
ecol. moored acoustic buoy system
mil. mixed air battle simulation
: 9 phrases in 7 subjects
Pharmacy and pharmacology1