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LST abbr.stresses
Gruzovik танко-десантное судно (tank landing ship; landing ship, tank)
avia. местное звёздное время
comp., MS время последней синхронизации (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
Gruzovik, mil., navy танко-десантный корабль (landing ship tank)
Gruzovik, scient. большой космический телескоп (large space telescope)
math. преобразование Лапласа-Стилтьеса (Laplace-Stieltjes transform)
med. поздний тромбоз стента (MichaelBurov)
O&G, tengiz. низкая температура пара (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G. tech. баржа для снабжения морских буровых
oil баржа для снабжения морских буровых установок
scub. Специалист по жизнеобеспечению Life Support Technician (org.au Lju)
sec.sys. отдел ОТБОС в филиале компании (Local Safety Team juliasky)
танкодесантный корабль LST abbr.
mil. ТДК (landing ship tank Natangel)
 English thesaurus
LST abbr.
abbr., auto. light-sensitive tube; low switch time
abbr., avia. launch support team
abbr., el. laminated sonar transistor; laser scanning tomography; latest starting time; light scattering topograph; light scattering topography; light sensitive tube; limit stress test; line status table; local segment table; logic service terminal; logic structure transform; loudspeaker telephone; lunar surface transponder
abbr., meteorol. Spool file (Oracle); List file (archive index - compiler listfile); Keyboard macro (1st Reader)
abbr., mil. laser spot tracker; tank landing ship
abbr., mil., lingo large slow target (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic. Launceston, Australia
LST abbr.
abbr. Lady Scooter Trash; Light Stabilising Technology; Lighter Stronger And Tougher; Local Standard Time; Lump Sum Taxation; Amphibious Vehicle Landing Ship; Large Space Telescopes; LEO space terminal; light STOL transport; Linux Support Team (distribution, Linux); local sidereal time; low supersonic transport
abbr., astr., scient. Local Sidereal Time
abbr., avia. Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
abbr., busin. Laplace-Stieltjes transformation; last
abbr., earth.sc. land surface temperature; large-scale tendency; large-scale test; longshore sediment transport
abbr., econ. late start time
abbr., electr.eng. local summer time
abbr., file.ext. Filelist (FRQView Vosoni); List; Listing (e.g. source code Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Last Seen There
abbr., IT Keyboard macro; List file; source code Listing file; Spool file
abbr., law Light Smooth Tough
abbr., Makarov. large space telescope; local-scaling transformation; loudspeaking telephone
abbr., med. Lateral Spinothalamic Tract; Lateral Spreading Tumor; left sacrotransverse (fetal position); Life-sustaining Treatment; late stent thrombosis (MichaelBurov); left sacrum transverse (harser)
abbr., mil. Landing Ship Tank; Large Slow Target; Light Strong Tough; Liquid Storage Tank; Long Slow Target
abbr., monk. Losi Super Truck
abbr., O&G, sakh. see L.C.T. (landing craft tank)
abbr., oil line scan tube; localized sine transforms; lowstand system tract; Loxon software technology
abbr., police Local Support Team
abbr., qual.cont. Laplace-Stieltjes transform
abbr., refrig. low starting torque (gorbulenko)
abbr., scottish Landing Ship, Tank (USA); Laser Spot Tracker
abbr., space Large Structure Technology Group; laser-spot tracker; local solar time
chat. last seen there
mil. landing ship, tank; laser spotter tracker; liquid storage tank; local standard time
tech. landmark-sensing telescope; large scale test; large stellar telescope; last sector transferred; loud speaking telephone
.lst abbr.
file.ext. List (file name extension)
: 8 phrases in 7 subjects
Armored vehicles1