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LSE abbr.stresses
bank. Лондонская фондовая биржа (London Stock Exchange)
busin. Лондонская школа экономики (London School of Economics)
energ.ind. распределительная компания (MichaelBurov)
energ.syst. местная распределительная компания (MichaelBurov); оптовые поставщики электроэнергии (MichaelBurov); энергораспределительная компания (MichaelBurov)
math. оценка, полученная методом наименьших квадратов (least-squares estimator)
 English thesaurus
LSE abbr.
abbr., el. least-square error; lensed surface emitter; light scattering event; longitudinal section electric mode; low-speed encoder
abbr., mater.sc. liquid crystal elastomer (MichaelBurov)
abbr., R&D. London School of Etiquette (MichaelBurov)
abbr., securit. Lisbon Stock Exchange
LSE abbr.
abbr. Local Subscriber Environment; Logistic Support Element; Longitudinal Section Electric
abbr., avia. La Crosse, Wisconsin USA; layer service element; line signaling equipment; link switch equipment; local system environment
abbr., busin. loose
abbr., comp.name. Laurence, Scott Electromotors Ltd.
abbr., dril. lease (refers to the property on which the well is being drilled)
abbr., earth.sc. large-scale eddy; line shift error; lunar surface experiment
abbr., ed., scient. London School of Economics
abbr., el., scient. Latex Sphere Equivalent
abbr., energ.syst. load serving entities (MichaelBurov); load serving entity (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. least-squares estimate
abbr., Makarov. launch support equipment; liquid solvent extraction
abbr., mil. Logistics Support Element; landing signalman enlisted; logistic support element
abbr., mil., avia. launch sequencer equipment
abbr., oil lease; least square exponential; lowstand erosion
abbr., police Local Security Environment
abbr., qual.cont. least-squares estimator
abbr., space laboratory support equipment
abbr., st.exch. Lahore Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange
abbr., toxicol. long-term systemic effects (igisheva)
abbr., transp. Luxury Super Express
mil. landing ship, emergency repair; life support equipment
tech. least-square estimator
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