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LIC nstresses
gen. Страна с низким доходом (Low income country phat_08)
LIC adj.
bank. отчисления на случай обесценивания / ухудшения активов (Loan impairment charges)
comp., net. лицензионный внутренний код
gen.eng. безлигазное клонирование (метод получения плазмид, при котором не используются реакции рестрикции и лигирования DaredevilS)
Gruzovik, scient. линейная ИС (linear integrated circuit)
house. линейная интегральная микросхема
med. Местный Комитет Чрезвычайных Происшествий (Local Incident Committee Oksanut); liver iron concentration концентрация железа в печени (Ginger72)
mil. конфликт малой интенсивности (сюда относят военные интервенции, специальные операции, партизанские войны, повстанческие движения, международный терроризм, психологическую войну); конфликт низкой интенсивности
O&G, sakh. контроллер уровнемера (level indicator controller)
lic. adj.
adv. лицензия
Gruzovik, econ. официальное разрешение (license)
lic adj.
chem. ациклический
 English thesaurus
LIC abbr.
abbr. Large In Charge; Legislative Impact Committee; Leptospirosis Information Center; Local Implementation Contract; Long Island City; Last-In-Chain (Vosoni); LIFE INSURANCE Corporation; licenced internal code
abbr., astr., scient. Local Interstellar Cloud
abbr., avia. Limon, Colorado USA; licence; lowest incoming channel; level indicator codes
abbr., busin. licencee
abbr., commun. Line Interface Card
abbr., comp., net. licensed internal code
abbr., earth.sc. lunar instrument carrier
abbr., ed., scient. Lecturer In Charge
abbr., el. line interface coupler; linear intensity corrector; linear intensity correlator; line interface circuit; line interface controller; load input channel
abbr., el., scient. Linear Integrated Circuit
abbr., electr.eng. large integrated circuit
abbr., fin. low-income country
abbr., IT License file; License Internal Code; Line Interface Computer; linear integrated circuit
abbr., med. Left Internal Carotid (artery); Left Interventricular Coronary (artery); limiting isorrheic concentration
abbr., mil. Chief Lithographer; Low Intensity Conflict
abbr., mil., WMD Liquid incinerator; liquid incinerator secondary chamber; primary combustion air blower; secondary combustion air blower
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. level indicator controller
abbr., oil less industrialized country
abbr., physiol. Left Iliac Crest
abbr., physiol., med. Left iliac crest
abbr., relig. Love In Christ
abbr., scottish Line Integrity Check
abbr., st.exch. Lynch Interactive Corporation
abbr., tradem. Life Insurance Company; Life Insurance Corporation
abbr., UN Least Industrialised Countries
mil. language identification code; laser image converter; logistics indoctrination course; low-intensity conflict
oil, abbr. level indicating controller
tech. laser-induced current; level indicating controller, level indicator controller; loop insertion cell
lic. abbr.
abbr. licence; license
abbr., commer. licensed
lic abbr.
abbr. license
Lic. adj.
lat. Licentia ("license"); Licentiatus ("licentiate")
Lic abbr.
abbr. Licentiate
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Weapons of mass destruction5