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Lia nstresses
bible.term. Лия
LIA abbr.
med. местная инфильтрационная анестезия (Local Infiltration Analgesia Sluvik)
mil. без вести пропавший в боевых действиях (lost in action Dmitry114)
O&G, tengiz. низкий поток воздуха КИП (Yeldar Azanbayev)
lia abbr.
chinese.lang. ля (транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
LIA abbr.
abbr. Legal Information Assistant; Light Industrial Area
abbr., anim.husb. Livestock Improvement Association
abbr., avia. Liangping, Mainland China
abbr., commer. Ligue Internationale d' Arbitrage
abbr., earth.sc. Land Information and Analysis OfficeUSGS; Lead Industries Association
abbr., ed., scient. Laboratory Information Access
abbr., el. laser interferometric alignment; line interface adapter; link inhibit acknowledgement signal; local-network interface adapter; lock-in amplifier; loop interface address; loop-network interface address
abbr., fin. lending into arrears
abbr., immunol. luminescence immunoassay
abbr., med. Left Iliac Artery; leukemia-associated inhibitory activity
abbr., mil. Logistics Integration Agency
abbr., mil., avia. Laser Institute of America
abbr., oil level indicating alarm; low-speed input adapter
abbr., scient. Little Ice Age
abbr., scottish Linear Induction Accelerator
abbr., textile Lace Importers Association
abbr., tradem. Lead Industries Association, Inc.
abbr., UN, AIDS. luminescent immunoassay
tech., abbr. lease improvement authorization
lia abbr.
abbr. liaison
Lia abbr.
abbr., oil Liassic
Lia. abbr.
lat. Licentia ("license")
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Silicate industry1