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LCt50 abbr.stresses
mil., WMD среднесмертельная ингаляционная доза
LCt abbr.
mil., WMD смертельная концентрация
LCT abbr.
Gruzovik танконосец (tank landing vessel); танковый лихтер (tank landing craft); ударный танконосец (tank landing craft)
comp., net. тест на сертификацию канала связи
dril. десантная баржа, применяемая в морском бурении для снабжения буровых (landing craft tank)
IT лоток большой ёмкости (Large Capacity Tray aharin)
med. ген лактазы (Natalya Rovina)
mil. местный подвижный терминал (МПТ; local craft terminal WiseSnake)
oil десантная баржа для снабжения морских буровых (landing craft tank)
 English thesaurus
LCt50 abbr.
abbr. lethal concentration; median lethal inhalation dose
LCT abbr.
abbr. Lincoln County, Tennessee; Louis Comfort Tiffany; Landing Craft Tanks; Last Compliance Time (GCRA); Linear Combination Technique; Local Civil Time; locate; locust; Local Customer Team (Elena_afina)
abbr., avia. laser communication terminal; laser communication transceiver; least concentration time
abbr., chem. long chain triglyceride
abbr., commun. Local Craft Terminal
abbr., earth.sc. latest completion time; location, command, and telemetry
abbr., el. Laplace-Carson transform; life cycle testing; line and circuit tester; linear continuous-time (system); logical channel termination
abbr., immunol. lymphocytotoxicity test
abbr., IT Low Cost Technology; line control table; Link Certification Test; level control table; log control table
abbr., med. Liver Cell Tumor; Local Care Team (Elena_afina); lymphocytotoxin test
abbr., met. locked cycle test (Atenza)
abbr., mil. Landing Craft Tank; lower conditioning temperature
abbr., min.proc. locked cycle test (опыт в замкнутом цикле gr82bstr8)
abbr., oil latest closing time; latest completing time; linkage control table; location command and telemetry; logging cable type; low colour temperature
abbr., patents. life cycle thinking
abbr., physiol. long-chain triglyceride (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Loose Connective Tissue
abbr., scottish Light Crawler Tractor; Low Cost Terminal
abbr., space laser communications transceiver; launch countdown
abbr., water.suppl. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (USFWS)
mil. landing craft, tank; launch control trailer; lethal concentration time; location, command and telemetry
tech. large coil task; laser communications terminal
lCt50 abbr.
abbr. median incapacitating inhalation dose
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Flow measurement1
Weapons of mass destruction2