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KPP abbr.stresses
comp., MS защита ядра от изменения (Kernel Patch Protection agnitum.ru bojana)
 English thesaurus
KPP abbr.
abbr. Kannur Power Project; KAREN, PAKU: a language of Burma; Karma Payment Plan; Katy Paperless Publishing; Key Principal Partner; Keeper of the Privy Purse
abbr., avia. Kalpowar, Queensland, Australia; keyboard processing program; key process parameters
abbr., el. key point program
abbr., file.ext. Toolpad (SmartPad)
abbr., IT Toolpad
abbr., med. Kinase Partner Protein
abbr., mil. Key Performance Parameter; key performance parameter
abbr., mil., avia. key performance parameters
abbr., mus. Kansas Prairie Picker
abbr., oil key planning parameters (serz); potassium pyrophosphate
abbr., pharm. key process parameter (iwona)
abbr., physiol., med. Kinetic Pre-Processor
abbr., polit. Kamtapur Peoples' Party; Komunistyczna Partia Polski
abbr., space key performance parameters
abbr., sport. Key Player Problem
abbr., st.exch. Kaneb Pipeline Partners, L. P.
abbr., tradem. Kentucky Performance Products; Kid Power Posse Music
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