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JIS abbr.stresses
automat. в строгой последовательности (Just-in-Sequence – технология обеспечивает автоматизированную поддержку процессов снабжения и монтажных работ в точное время и в правильной последовательности Olvic)
construct. японские промышленные стандарты
Gruzovik, econ. Журнал, выпускаемый институтом социоэкономических исследований (Journal. Institute for Socio-Economic Studies)
Gruzovik, mil. Объединённый разведывательный штаб США (Joint Intelligence Staff)
oil японский промышленный стандарт (Japanese industrial standard)
 English thesaurus
JIS abbr.
abbr. Job Impact Statement; Job Information Service; Japanese Institute of Standards (organization, Japan); JOPS interim software
abbr., auto. just in sequence
abbr., comp., net. Japanese Information Service
abbr., ed. John Ireland School
abbr., ed., scient. Jakarta International School
abbr., el. Japanese information system; Japanese Institute for Standards
abbr., el., scient. Japanese Industry Standard
abbr., IT Jabber Interoperability Suite; Jurisdictional Interstate Service
abbr., law Judicial Information Systems
abbr., med. Japanese Industrial Standard; Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis; Joint Information Service
abbr., mil. joint information system
abbr., oil job information system; job input station
abbr., opt. Japan Industrial Standards
abbr., plast. Japanese Industrial Standart
abbr., polym. Japanese Industrial Standards
abbr., tech. Japan Industrial Standard; Japanese Industry Standards
abbr., tradem. Jesup Internet Service; Jewelers International Showcase, Inc.; Job Index Survey; Journeyweb Internet Services; Juggling Information Service
mil. joint intelligence staff
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Automated equipment1
Information technology1