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ITEP abbr.stresses
NATO Международная программа оценки испытаний в области гуманитарного разминирования (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 English thesaurus
ITEP abbr.
abbr. Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy; International Traineeship Exchange Program; Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (synchrotron); Integrated Test/Evaluation Program; Integrated Threat Evaluation Program; Interim Tactical ELINT Processor (U.S. Army)
abbr., earth.sc. International Treaty on Environmental Protection
abbr., ed. Illinois Teacher Education Partnership; Information Technology for Education Policymakers; Integrated Teacher Education Program; International Training and Education Program
abbr., ed., scient. Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow
abbr., mil. Individual Training Evaluation Program; International Test Evaluation Programme for Humanitarian Demining
abbr., tradem. inter- Tech Energy Progress, Inc.