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ISDA abbr.stresses
fin. МАСД (Международная ассоциация участников рынков свопов и деривативов isda.org Alexander Matytsin)
invest. Международная ассоциация свопов и деривативов (International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Maxim Prokofiev)
Isda abbr.
sl., drug. герыч (сленговое название наркотика Franka_LV); героин (Franka_LV)
 English thesaurus
ISDA abbr.
abbr. International Swaps and Derivatives Association (kee46)
abbr., dentist. Idaho State Dental Association
abbr., econ. International Swaps and Derivatives Association
abbr., ed., scient. Irish Student Drama Awards
abbr., energ.syst. International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (MichaelBurov)
abbr., fin. International Swap Dealer's Association; International Swaps and Derivatives Association
abbr., med. isosorbide dinitrate
abbr., oil incoming supply distribution assembly
abbr., securit. International Swap Dealers Association
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects